* Support using access tokens from new versions of azure-cli, thanks hauntsaninja for adding this.
* Change to use oauth v2 for azure, thanks cjgibson for adding this.
* Fix bug in `scanglob` that marked files as directories, thanks jacobhilton for fixing this * Fix rare crash when writing files, thanks unixpickle for fixing this
* `connection_pool_max_size` and `max_connection_pool_count` are no longer supported due to issues with `ProcessPoolExecutor`, instead you may specify `get_http_pool` if you need to control these settings. * Add `file_size` argument to `BlobFile` to skip reading the size of the file on creation.
* Change `default_buffer_size` to `8 * 2**20` * Increased the chunk size for `readall()` to `8 * 2**20` * Fix GCS write file to respect `google_write_chunk_size`