- Allow overriding package.dottedname in the configuration file [erral]
- fix test-coverage bash script, so that it will fail if the tests fail [mamico]
- always activate plone.namefromtitle and plone.locking behaviors, even if activate default behaviors is False. [MrTango]
New features:
- Add a starter subtemplate to initialize a Plone site with some sane default values [erral]
Bug fixes:
- add min_version = 4.11.0 to addon tempalte tox.ini [MrTango]
New features:
- Add `icon_expr` for `content_type`` view/edit actions and ask for "Content type icon" when adding a `content_type`. [petschki]
Bug fixes:
- Fix permissions.zcml loaded too late [MrTango]
- Fix TinyMCE templates readme to work on Plone 6. [maurits]
- Use portal_url to root all CSS and rules file links [erral]
New features:
- Fix SCSS imports for latest Bootstrap 5.3. See `Upgrade notes <https://github.com/plone/bobtemplates.plone/blob/main/docs/templates/addon/theme_barceloneta/index.rst#upgrade-notes>`_ how you can update your existing theme. [petschki]