- Create upgrade step profile directory. Fixes 434
- Require coverage<5. Fixes 421
- Fix indexer subtemplate. Fixes 425
- Require coverage<5 in travis configuration file. Fixes 421
- Align template's setup.cfg to the projects one.
Especially raises the flake8 line-length to black default.
- Update travis setup, use tox for all testing and linting of addon package, not code-analysis.
- Update default Plone and Python version to 5.2.1 and 3.7 for addon template.
- Add badges to addon README file.
- Add collective.recipe.vscode to addon base.cfg, activated by default, we have a question to disable it.
- Fix flake8 missing trailing comma, format call uses missing keyword, provides unused keyword.
- Improve generated package tox env, also run linting inside skeleton-tests.
- Improve bobtemplate.plone tox output, it's now easier to read and find the errors.
- Automatically fix isort issues after using addon template.
- Improve buildout template, it's now using Plone release versions rather than buildouttesting.