
Latest version: v2.2.2

Safety actively analyzes 701910 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Implemented an option to query the API of BOLD Systems for hits that have high similarity (>98%) but no species name assigned. The top hits have to be computed before the method can be run.
- Sometime the top hits are populated with high similarity hits that don't have species-level assignment:
Leading to the selection of a top hit without species level assignment:
The API correction tool will find all hits and correct them with the most common published hit:


- minor bugfix where adding top hits by any method lead to broken excel files that needed to be fixed within excel


- Bugfix on the check fasta function. It now works properly finding invalid sequences before sending the request to BOLD and generating a copy of the fixed fasta file


- Adjusted the batch size to 50 since BOLD adjusted the maximum amount of sequences to be blasted at once


- added an option to check the fasta file before blasting to handle common issues with the ID engine
- this will check the sequence headers as well as all sequences for invalid inputs and offers an option to correct errors on the fly


- hotfix for top hit assignment

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