
Latest version: v2.2.2

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- bugfix, changed excel engine to openpyxl to still be able to read .xlsx files as input


- various bugfixes
- Introduced a new type of broken record: "IncompleteTaxonomy". When the taxonomy is not clear for all hits. e.g. an entirely missing class name, BOLDigger2 will return the label "IncompleteTaxonomy". This is comparable to the "NoMatch" and "BrokenRecord" hit and can be treated as such.


- Minor bugfixes


- the moving of files while the ids engine is runing should be fixed for alle operating systems now


- the current version is now displayed in the GUI
- the current version is now checked on startup and the user is notified if a newer version is available


- fixed a bug where the Process ID's where added to the results in inverted order leading to inverted metadata

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