
Latest version: v2.4.1

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Release date: 2022/11/20

- Drop Python 3.6 support, and test against Python 3.10.
- Add support for strict Content Security Policy (CSP) (`252 <>`__)
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 5.2.2, Popper 2.11.6, Bootswatch 5.2.2, and Boostrap Icons 1.9.1.
- Fix Flask-SQLAlchemy ``paginate`` named parameters in tests and examples.
- Support to preview available Bootswatch theme in the example application.
- Remove ``.DS_Store`` files from the distribution files.



Release date: 2022/8/20

- Add ``safe_columns`` and ``urlize_columns`` parameters to ``render_table`` macro
to support rendering table column as HTML/URL (`204 <>`__).
- Rename the ``badge`` parameter of ``render_nav_item`` macro to ``_badge``.
- Rename the ``use_li`` parameter of ``render_nav_item`` macro to ``_use_li``.



Release date: 2022/2/27

- Add the missing ``form-select`` class for Bootstrap 5 form select fields
(`211 <>`__).



Release date: 2022/1/27

- Remove extra quotation mark in ``render_nav_item``
(`201 <>`__).
- Fix signature of ``Bootstrap.__init__()`` incompatible with older version
(`198 <>`__).



Release date: 2022/1/13

- Drop Python 2 and 3.5 support.
- Combine ``class`` argument of ``render_field`` or ``field.render_kw.class`` with Bootstrap classes
(`159 <>`__).
- Add initial support for Bootstrap 5 (`161 <>`__):
- Add ``Bootstrap4`` class and deprecate ``Bootstrap``.
- Add ``Bootstrap5`` class for Bootstrap 5 support.
- Move Bootstrap 4-related files to ``bootstrap4`` subfolder, and deprecate template path ``bootstrap/``.
- Bootstrap 4 macros are in the ``bootstrap4/`` template folder, and Bootstrap 5 macros are in ``bootstrap5/``.
- Add separate tests, templates, static files, and examples for Bootstrap 5.
- Remove the deprecated ``form_errors`` macro and the URL string variable support in ``render_table``.
- Render boolean field as a Bootstrap switch with ``SwitchField`` class (`175 <>`__).
- Add ``BOOTSTRAP_FORM_GROUP_CLASSES`` config for Bootstrap 5, defaults to ``mb-3``. Also add a ``form_group_classes``
parameter for ``render_form``, ``render_field``, and ``render_form_row`` (`184 <>`__).
- Add ``BOOTSTRAP_FORM_INLINE_CLASSES`` config for Bootstrap 5, defaults to ``row row-cols-lg-auto g-3 align-items-center``.
Also add a ``form_inline_classes`` parameter for ``render_form`` (`184 <>`__).
- Add ``form_type`` and ``horizontal_columns`` parameters to ``render_form_row`` (`192 <>`__).
- Add support for WTForms range fields (``DecimalRangeField`` and ``IntegerRangeField``) (`194 <>`__).
- Bump Bootstrap Icons to v1.7.2.
- Bump Bootstrap & Bootswatch to 4.6.1/5.1.3.



Release date: 2021/9/5

- Fix bootswatch theme bug: remove theme name ``'default'`` (`141 <>`__).
the icon title of table actions (`140 <>`__).
- Introduce a new and better way to pass table action URLs
(`146 <>`__, `#151 <>`__).
- Deprecate ``action_pk_placeholder`` and placeholder action URLs in ``render_table``.
- Support SRI for JS/CSS resources (`142 <>`__).

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