Release date: 2021/6/10
- Add a ``custom_actions`` parameter for the ``render_table`` macro. When passing a
list of tuples ``[(title, bootstrap icon, link)]`` to the ``custom_actions`` parameter,
the ``render_table`` macro will create an icon (link) on the action column for each
tuple in the list. The title text (first index of each tuple) will show when hovering
over each ``custom_actions`` button (`134 <https://github.com/helloflask/bootstrap-flask/pull/134>`__).
- Update Bootstrap Icons to v1.5.0.
- Improve action icons for ``render_table``, now the icons can be styled with the
``action-icon`` CSS class (`137 <https://github.com/helloflask/bootstrap-flask/pull/137>`__).
- Change the default ``action_pk_placeholder`` to ``':id'``. The support to the old
value will be removed in version 2.0
(`138 <https://github.com/helloflask/bootstrap-flask/pull/138>`__).