
Latest version: v1.35.24

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* api-change:``elasticache``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for ElastiCache
* api-change:``panorama``: [``botocore``] Added NTP server configuration parameter to ProvisionDevice operation. Added alternate software fields to DescribeDevice response



* api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] SDK doc update for Route 53 to update some parameters with new information.
* api-change:``databrew``: [``botocore``] This AWS Glue Databrew release adds feature to merge job outputs into a max number of files for S3 File output type.
* api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] Support automatic pagination when listing AWS Transfer Family resources.
* api-change:``s3control``: [``botocore``] Amazon S3 Batch Operations adds support for new integrity checking capabilities in Amazon S3.
* api-change:``s3``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for new integrity checking capabilities in Amazon S3. You can choose from four supported checksum algorithms for data integrity checking on your upload and download requests. In addition, AWS SDK can automatically calculate a checksum as it streams data into S3
* api-change:``fms``: [``botocore``] AWS Firewall Manager now supports the configuration of AWS Network Firewall policies with either centralized or distributed deployment models. This release also adds support for custom endpoint configuration, where you can choose which Availability Zones to create firewall endpoints in.
* api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] This release adds support to delete and create Lightsail default key pairs that you can use with Lightsail instances.
* api-change:``autoscaling``: [``botocore``] You can now hibernate instances in a warm pool to stop instances without deleting their RAM contents. You can now also return instances to the warm pool on scale in, instead of always terminating capacity that you will need later.



* api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] The file input selection feature provides the ability to use either the originally uploaded file or the output file from the previous workflow step, enabling customers to make multiple copies of the original file while keeping the source file intact for file archival.
* api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Lambda releases .NET 6 managed runtime to be available in all commercial regions.
* api-change:``textract``: [``botocore``] Added support for merged cells and column header for table response.



* api-change:``translate``: [``botocore``] This release enables customers to use translation settings for formality customization in their synchronous translation output.
* api-change:``wafv2``: [``botocore``] Updated descriptions for logging configuration.
* api-change:``apprunner``: [``botocore``] AWS App Runner adds a Java platform (Corretto 8, Corretto 11 runtimes) and a Node.js 14 runtime.



* api-change:``imagebuilder``: [``botocore``] This release adds support to enable faster launching for Windows AMIs created by EC2 Image Builder.
* api-change:``customer-profiles``: [``botocore``] This release introduces apis CreateIntegrationWorkflow, DeleteWorkflow, ListWorkflows, GetWorkflow and GetWorkflowSteps. These apis are used to manage and view integration workflows.
* api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] DynamoDB ExecuteStatement API now supports Limit as a request parameter to specify the maximum number of items to evaluate. If specified, the service will process up to the Limit and the results will include a LastEvaluatedKey value to continue the read in a subsequent operation.



* api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] Properties for Transfer Family used with SFTP, FTP, and FTPS protocols. Display Banners are bodies of text that can be displayed before and/or after a user authenticates onto a server using one of the previously mentioned protocols.
* api-change:``gamelift``: [``botocore``] Increase string list limit from 10 to 100.
* api-change:``budgets``: [``botocore``] This change introduces DescribeBudgetNotificationsForAccount API which returns budget notifications for the specified account

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