
Latest version: v0.12.0

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New Features
* Support inferred noise in `SaasFullyBayesianMultiTaskGP` (1809).

Other Changes
* More informative error message when `Standardize` has wrong batch shape (1807).
* Make GIBBON robust to numerical instability (1814).
* Add `sample_multiplier` in EUBO's `acqf_input_constructor` (1816).

Bug Fixes
* Only do checks for `_optimize_acqf_sequential_q` when it will be used (1808).
* Fix an issue where `PairwiseGP` comparisons might be implicitly modified (1811).


* Require GPyTorch == 1.10 and linear_operator == 0.4.0 (1803).

New Features
* Polytope sampling for linear constraints along the q-dimension (1757).
* Single-objective joint entropy search with additional conditioning, various improvements to entropy-based acquisition functions (1738).

Other changes
* Various updates to improve numerical stability of `PairwiseGP` (1754, 1755).
* Change batch range for `FullyBayesianPosterior` (1176a38352b69d01def0a466233e6633c17d6862, 1773).
* Make `gen_batch_initial_conditions` more flexible (1779).
* Deprecate `objective` in favor of `posterior_transform` for `MultiObjectiveAnalyticAcquisitionFunction` (1781).
* Use `prune_baseline=True` as default for `qNoisyExpectedImprovement` (1796).
* Add `batch_shape` property to `SingleTaskVariationalGP` (1799).
* Change minimum inferred noise level for `SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP` (1800).

Bug fixes
* Add `output_task` to `MultiTaskGP.construct_inputs` (1753).
* Fix custom bounds handling in test problems (1760).
* Remove incorrect `BotorchTensorDimensionWarning` (1790).
* Fix handling of non-Container-typed positional arguments in `SupervisedDatasetMeta` (1663).


New Features
* Add BAxUS tutorial (1559).

Other changes
* Various improvements to tutorials (1703, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1711, 1718, 1719, 1739, 1740, 1742).
* Allow tensor input for `integer_indices` in `Round` transform (1709).
* Expose `cache_root` in qNEHVI input constructor (1730).
* Add `get_init_args` helper to `Normalize` & `Round` transforms (1731).
* Allowing custom dimensionality and improved gradient stability in `ModifiedFixedSingleSampleModel` (1732).

Bug fixes
* Improve batched model handling in `_verify_output_shape` (1715).
* Fix qNEI with Derivative Enabled BO (1716).
* Fix `get_infeasible_cost` for objectives that require X (1721).


* Require PyTorch >= 1.12 (1699).

New Features
* Introduce pathwise sampling API for efficiently sampling functions from (approximate) GP priors and posteriors (1463).
* Add `OneHotToNumeric` input transform (1517).
* Add `get_rounding_input_transform` utility for constructing rounding input transforms (1531).
* Introduce `EnsemblePosterior` (1636).
* Inducing Point Allocators for Sparse GPs (1652).
* Pass `gen_candidates` callable in `optimize_acqf` (1655).
* Adding `logmeanexp` and `logdiffexp` numerical utilities (1657).

Other changes
* Warn if inoperable keyword arguments are passed to optimizers (1421).
* Add `BotorchTestCase.assertAllClose` (1618).
* Add `sample_shape` property to `ListSampler` (1624).
* Do not filter out `BoTorchWarning`s by default (1630).
* Introduce a `DeterministicSampler` (1641).
* Warn when optimizer kwargs are being ignored in BoTorch optim utils `_filter_kwargs` (1645).
* Don't use `functools.lru_cache` on methods (1650).
* More informative error when someone adds a module without updating the corresponding rst file (1653).
* Make indices a buffer in `AffineInputTransform` (1656).
* Clean up `optimize_acqf` and `_make_linear_constraints` (1660, 1676).
* Support NaN `max_reference_point` in `infer_reference_point` (1671).
* Use `_fast_solves` in `HOGP.posterior` (1682).
* Approximate qPI using `MVNXPB` (1684).
* Improve filtering for `cache_root` in `CachedCholeskyMCAcquisitionFunction` (1688).
* Add option to disable retrying on optimization warning (1696).

Bug fixes
* Fix normalization in Chebyshev scalarization (1616).
* Fix `TransformedPosterior` missing batch shape error in `_update_base_samples` (1625).
* Detach `coefficient` and `offset` in `AffineTransform` in eval mode (1642).
* Fix pickle error in `TorchPosterior` (1644).
* Fix shape error in `optimize_acqf_cyclic` (1648).
* Fixed bug where `optimize_acqf` didn't work with different batch sizes (1668).
* Fix EUBO optimization error when two Xs are identical (1670).
* Bug fix: `_filter_kwargs` was erroring when provided a function without a `__name__` attribute (1678).


* This release includes changes for compatibility with the newest versions of linear_operator and gpytorch.
* Several acquisition functions now have "Log" counterparts, which provide better
numerical behavior for improvement-based acquisition functions in areas where the probability of
improvement is low. For example, `LogExpectedImprovement` (1565) should behave better than
`ExpectedImprovement`. These new acquisition functions are
* `LogExpectedImprovement` (1565).
* `LogNoisyExpectedImprovement` (1577).
* `LogProbabilityOfImprovement` (1594).
* `LogConstrainedExpectedImprovement` (1594).
* Bug fix: Stop `ModelListGP.posterior` from quietly ignoring `Log`, `Power`, and `Bilog` outcome transforms (1563).
* Turn off `fast_computations` setting in linear_operator by default (1547).

* Require linear_operator == 0.3.0 (1538).
* Require pyro-ppl >= 1.8.4 (1606).
* Require gpytorch == 1.9.1 (1612).

New Features
* Add `eta` to `get_acquisition_function` (1541).
* Support 0d-features in `FixedFeatureAcquisitionFunction` (1546).
* Add timeout ability to optimization functions (1562, 1598).
* Add `MultiModelAcquisitionFunction`, an abstract base class for acquisition functions that require multiple types of models (1584).
* Add `cache_root` option for qNEI in `get_acquisition_function` (1608).

Other changes
* Docstring corrections (1551, 1557, 1573).
* Removal of `_fit_multioutput_independent` and `allclose_mll` (1570).
* Better numerical behavior for fully Bayesian models (1576).
* More verbose Scipy `minimize` failure messages (1579).
* Lower-bound noise in`SaasPyroModel` to avoid Cholesky errors (1586).

Bug fixes
* Error rather than failing silently for NaN values in box decomposition (1554).
* Make `get_bounds_as_ndarray` device-safe (1567).


This release includes some backwards incompatible changes.
* Refactor `Posterior` and `MCSampler` modules to better support non-Gaussian distributions in BoTorch (1486).
* Introduced a `TorchPosterior` object that wraps a PyTorch `Distribution` object and makes it compatible with the rest of `Posterior` API.
* `PosteriorList` no longer accepts Gaussian base samples. It should be used with a `ListSampler` that includes the appropriate sampler for each posterior.
* The MC acquisition functions no longer construct a Sobol sampler by default. Instead, they rely on a `get_sampler` helper, which dispatches an appropriate sampler based on the posterior provided.
* The `resample` and `collapse_batch_dims` arguments to `MCSampler`s have been removed. The `ForkedRNGSampler` and `StochasticSampler` can be used to get the same functionality.
* Refer to the PR for additional changes. We will update the website documentation to reflect these changes in a future release.
* 1191 refactors much of `botorch.optim` to operate based on closures that abstract
away how losses (and gradients) are computed. By default, these closures are created
using multiply-dispatched factory functions (such as `get_loss_closure`), which may be
customized by registering methods with an associated dispatcher (e.g. `GetLossClosure`).
Future releases will contain tutorials that explore these features in greater detail.

New Features
* Add mixed optimization for list optimization (1342).
* Add entropy search acquisition functions (1458).
* Add utilities for straight-through gradient estimators for discretization functions (1515).
* Add support for categoricals in Round input transform and use STEs (1516).
* Add closure-based optimizers (1191).

Other Changes
* Do not count hitting maxiter as optimization failure & update default maxiter (1478).
* `BoxDecomposition` cleanup (1490).
* Deprecate `torch.triangular_solve` in favor of `torch.linalg.solve_triangular` (1494).
* Various docstring improvements (1496, 1499, 1504).
* Remove `__getitem__` method from `LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel` (1501).
* Handle Cholesky errors when fitting a fully Bayesian model (1507).
* Make eta configurable in `apply_constraints` (1526).
* Support SAAS ensemble models in RFFs (1530).
* Deprecate `botorch.optim.numpy_converter` (1191).
* Deprecate `fit_gpytorch_scipy` and `fit_gpytorch_torch` (1191).

Bug Fixes
* Enforce use of float64 in `NdarrayOptimizationClosure` (1508).
* Replace deprecated np.bool with equivalent bool (1524).
* Fix RFF bug when using FixedNoiseGP models (1528).

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