This release contains major changes to the frontends:
* curtsies is the new default frontend.
* The old curses frontend is available as bpython-curses.
* The GTK+ frontend has been removed.
New features:
* 194: Syntax-highlighted tracebacks. Thanks to Miriam Lauter.
* 234: Copy to system clipboard.
* 285: Re-evaluate session and reimport modules.
* 313: Warn when undo may take cause extended delay, and prompt to undo
multiple lines.
* 322: Watch imported modules for changes and re-evaluate on changes.
* 328: bpython history not re-evaluated to edit a previous line of a multiline
* 334: readline command Meta-. for yank last argument. Thanks to Susan
Steinman and Steph Samson.
* 338: bpython help with F1.
* 354: Edit config file from within bpython.
* 382: Partial support for pasting in text with blank lines.
* 410: Startup banner that shows Python and bpython version
* 426: Experimental multiline autocompletion.
* fish style last history completion with Arrow Right. Thanks to Nicholas
* fish style automatic reverse history search with Arrow Up.
Thanks to Nicholas Sweeting.
* Incremental forward and reverse search.
* All readline keys which kill/cut text correctly copy text for paste
with Ctrl-y or Meta-y.
* French translation.
* Removal links for bpaste pastebins are now displayed.
* More informative error messages when source cannot be found for an object.
Thanks to Liudmila Nikolaeva and Miriam Lauter.
* Message displayed if history in scrollback buffer is inconsistent with
output from last re-evaluation of bpython session. Thanks to Susan Steinman.
* Adjust logging level with -L or -LL.
* String literal attribute completion.
* 254: Use ASCII characters if Unicode box characters are not supported by the
* 284: __file__ is in scope after module run with bpython -i. Thanks to
Lindsey Raymond.
* 347: Fixed crash on unsafe autocompletion.
* 349: Fixed writing newlines to stderr.
* 363: Fixed banner crashing bpython-urwid. Thanks to Luca Barbato.
* 366, 367: Fixed help() support in curtsies.
* 369: Interactive sessions inherit compiler directives from files run with -i
interactive flag.
* 370, 401, 440, 448, 468, 472: Fixed various display issues in curtsies.
* 391: Fixed crash when using Meta-backspace. Thanks to Tony Wang.
* 438, 450: bpython-curtsies startup behavior fixed. Errors
during startup are reported instead of crashing.
* 447: Fixed behavior of duplicate keybindings. Thanks to Keyan Pishdadian.
* 458: Fixed dictionary key completion crash in Python 2.6. Thanks to Mary
* Documentation fixes from Lindsey Raymond.
* Fixed filename completion.
* Fixed various Unicode issues in curtsies.
* Fixed and re-enabled dictionary key completion in curtsies.
The commandline option --type / -t has been renamed to --paste / -p.
Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and newer are supported. Support for 2.5 has been dropped.
Furthermore, it is no longer necessary to run 2to3 on the source code.
This release brings a lot more code coverage, a new contributing guide,
and most of the code now conforms to PEP-8.
Changes to dependencies:
* greenlet and curtsies are no longer optional.
* six is a new dependency.
* jedi is a new optional dependency required for multiline completion.
* watchdog is a new optional dependency required for watching changes in
imported modules.