----- Now you can hit tab to display the autocomplete list, rather than have it pop up automatically as you type which, apparently, annoys Brendogg.
----- A few people have commented that the help() built-in function doesn't work so well with bpython, since Python will try to output the help string to PAGER (usually "less") which obviously makes everything go wrong when curses is involved. With a bit of hackery I've written my own ghetto pager and injected my own help function into the interpreter when it initialises in an attempt to rectify this. As such, it's pretty untested but it seems to be working okay for me. Suggestions/bug reports/patches are welcome regarding this.
----- Well, hopefully we're one step closer to making the list sizing stuff work. I really hate doing code for that kind of thing as I never get it quite right, but with perseverance it should end up being completely stable; it's not the hardest thing in the world.
Various cosmetic fixes have been put in at the request of a bunch of people who were kind enough to send me emails regarding their experiences.
PYTHONSTARTUP is now dealt with and used properly, as per the vanilla interpreter.
----- It looks like the last release was actually pretty bug-free, aside from one tiny bug that NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENS but someone was bugging me about it anyway, oh well.
----- It's been quite a long time since the last update, due to several uninteresting and invalid excuses, but I finally reworked the list drawing procedures so the crashing seems to have been taken care of to an extent. If it still crashes, the way I've written it will hopefully allow a much more robust way of fixing it, one that might actually work.
----- Thanks to Aaron Gallagher for pointing out a case where the hugely inefficient list generation routines were actually making a significant issue; they're much more efficient now and should hopefully not cause any more problems.