
Latest version: v2.1.20

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This release has provided important improvements for BrainPy, including usability, speed, functions, and others.

Backwards Incompatible changes

1. ``brainpy.nn`` module is no longer supported and has been removed since version 2.2.0. Instead, users should use ``brainpy.train`` module for the training of BP algorithms, online learning, or offline learning algorithms, and ``brainpy.algorithms`` module for online / offline training algorithms.
2. The ``update()`` function for the model definition has been changed:

.. code-block::

>>> 2.1.x
>>> import brainpy as bp
>>> class SomeModel(bp.dyn.DynamicalSystem):
>>> def __init__(self, ):
>>> ......
>>> def update(self, t, dt):
>>> pass
>>> 2.2.x
>>> import brainpy as bp
>>> class SomeModel(bp.dyn.DynamicalSystem):
>>> def __init__(self, ):
>>> ......
>>> def update(self, tdi):
>>> t, dt = tdi.t, tdi.dt
>>> pass

where ``tdi`` can be defined with other names, like ``sha``\ , to represent the shared argument across modules.


. `` (neurons)`` and `` (synapse)`` are no longer supported. Please use ``brainpy.neurons``\ , ``brainpy.synapses`` modules.
. ``brainpy.running.monitor`` has been removed.
. ``brainpy.nn`` module has been removed.

New features

1. ``brainpy.math.Variable`` receives a ``batch_axis`` setting to represent the batch axis of the data.

.. code-block::

>>> import brainpy.math as bm
>>> a = bm.Variable(bm.zeros((1, 4, 5)), batch_axis=0)
>>> a.value = bm.zeros((2, 4, 5)) success
>>> a.value = bm.zeros((1, 2, 5)) failed
MathError: The shape of the original data is (2, 4, 5), while we got (1, 2, 5) with batch_axis=0.

2. ``brainpy.train`` provides ``brainpy.train.BPTT`` for back-propagation algorithms, ``brainpy.train.Onlinetrainer`` for online training algorithms, ``brainpy.train.OfflineTrainer`` for offline training algorithms.
3. ``brainpy.Base`` class supports ``_excluded_vars`` setting to ignore variables when retrieving variables by using ``Base.vars()`` method.

.. code-block::

>>> class OurModel(bp.Base):
>>> _excluded_vars = ('a', 'b')
>>> def __init__(self):
>>> super(OurModel, self).__init__()
>>> self.a = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(10))
>>> self.b = bm.Variable(bm.ones(20))
>>> self.c = bm.Variable(bm.random.random(10))
>>> model = OurModel()
>>> model.vars().keys()

4. ``brainpy.analysis.SlowPointFinder`` supports directly analyzing an instance of ``brainpy.dyn.DynamicalSystem``.

.. code-block::

>>> hh = bp.neurons.HH(1)
>>> finder = bp.analysis.SlowPointFinder(hh, target_vars={'V': hh.V, 'm': hh.m, 'h': hh.h, 'n': hh.n})

5. ``brainpy.datasets`` supports MNIST, FashionMNIST, and other datasets.
6. Supports defining conductance-based neuron models``.

.. code-block::

>>> class HH(bp.dyn.CondNeuGroup):
>>> def __init__(self, size):
>>> super(HH, self).__init__(size)
>>> self.INa = channels.INa_HH1952(size, )
>>> self.IK = channels.IK_HH1952(size, )
>>> self.IL = channels.IL(size, E=-54.387, g_max=0.03)

7. ``brainpy.layers`` module provides commonly used models for DNN and reservoir computing.
8. Support composable definition of synaptic models by using ``TwoEndConn``\ , ``SynOut``\ , ``SynSTP`` and ``SynLTP``.

.. code-block::

>>> bp.synapses.Exponential(self.E, self.E, bp.conn.FixedProb(prob),
>>> g_max=0.03 / scale, tau=5,
>>> output=bp.synouts.COBA(E=0.),
>>> stp=bp.synplast.STD())

9. Provide commonly used surrogate gradient function for spiking generation, including

* ``brainpy.math.spike_with_sigmoid_grad``
* ``brainpy.math.spike_with_linear_grad``
* ``brainpy.math.spike_with_gaussian_grad``
* ``brainpy.math.spike_with_mg_grad``

10. Provide shortcuts for GPU memory management via ``brainpy.math.disable_gpu_memory_preallocation()``\ , and ``brainpy.math.clear_buffer_memory()``.

What's Changed

* fix `207 <>`_\ : synapses update first, then neurons, finally delay variables by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#219 <>`_
* docs: add logos by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#218 <>`_
* Add the biological NMDA model by `c-xy17 <>`_ in `#221 <>`_
* docs: fix mathjax problem by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#222 <>`_
* Add the parameter R to the LIF model by `c-xy17 <>`_ in `#224 <>`_
* new version of brainpy: V2.2.0-rc1 by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#226 <>`_
* update training apis by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#227 <>`_
* Update quickstart and the analysis module by `c-xy17 <>`_ in `#229 <>`_
* Eseential updates for montors, analysis, losses, and examples by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#230 <>`_
* add numpy op tests by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#231 <>`_
* Integrated simulation, simulaton and analysis by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#232 <>`_
* update docs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#233 <>`_
* unify ``brainpy.layers`` with other modules in ``brainpy.dyn`` by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#234 <>`_
* fix bugs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#235 <>`_
* update apis, docs, examples and others by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#236 <>`_
* fixes by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#237 <>`_
* fix: add dtype promotion = standard by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#239 <>`_
* updates by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#240 <>`_
* update training docs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#241 <>`_
* change doc path/organization by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#242 <>`_
* Update advanced docs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#243 <>`_
* update quickstart docs & enable jit error checking by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#244 <>`_
* update apis and examples by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#245 <>`_
* update apis and tests by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#246 <>`_
* Docs update and bugs fixed by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#247 <>`_
* version 2.2.0 by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#248 <>`_
* add norm and pooling & fix bugs in operators by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#249 <>`_

**Full Changelog**: `V2.1.12...V2.2.0 <>`_

brainpy 2.1.x




This release is excellent. We have made important improvements.

1. We provide dozens of random sampling in NumPy which are not
supportted in JAX, such as ``brainpy.math.random.bernoulli``,
``brainpy.math.random.lognormal``, ``brainpy.math.random.binomial``,
``brainpy.math.random.chisquare``, ``brainpy.math.random.dirichlet``,
``brainpy.math.random.geometric``, ``brainpy.math.random.f``,
``brainpy.math.random.noncentral_f``, ``brainpy.math.random.power``,
``brainpy.math.random.rayleigh``, ``brainpy.math.random.triangular``,
``brainpy.math.random.vonmises``, ``brainpy.math.random.wald``,
2. make efficient checking on numerical values. Instead of direct
``id_tap()`` checking which has large overhead, currently
```` is highly efficient.
3. Fix ``JaxArray`` operator errors on ``None``
4. improve oo-to-function transformation speeds
5. ``io`` works: ``.save_states()`` and ``.load_states()``

What’s Changed

- support dtype setting in array interchange functions by
[chaoming0625]( in
`209 <>`__
- fix `144 <>`__:
operations on None raise errors by
[chaoming0625]( in
`210 <>`__
- add tests and new functions for random sampling by
[c-xy17]( in
`213 <>`__
- feat: fix ``io`` for brainpy.Base by
[chaoming0625]( in
`211 <>`__
- update advanced tutorial documentation by
[chaoming0625]( in
`212 <>`__
- fix `149 <>`__
(dozens of random samplings in NumPy) and fix JaxArray op errors by
[chaoming0625]( in
`216 <>`__
- feat: efficient checking on numerical values by
[chaoming0625]( in
`217 <>`__

**Full Changelog**:
`V2.1.11...V2.1.12 <>`__



What's Changed

* fix: cross-correlation bug by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#201 <>`_
* update apis, test and docs of numpy ops by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#202 <>`_
* docs: add sphinx_book_theme by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#203 <>`_
* fix: add requirements-doc.txt by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#204 <>`_
* update control flow, integrators, operators, and docs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#205 <>`_
* improve oo-to-function transformation speed by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#208 <>`_

**Full Changelog**\ : `V2.1.10...V2.1.11 <>`_



What's Changed

* update control flow APIs and Docs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#192 <>`_
* doc: update docs of dynamics simulation by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#193 <>`_
* fix `125 <>`_: add channel models and two-compartment Pinsky-Rinzel model by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#194 <>`_
* JIT errors do not change Variable values by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#195 <>`_
* fix a bug in by `c-xy17 <>`_ in `#196 <>`_
* Functionalinaty improvements by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#197 <>`_
* update rate docs by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#198 <>`_
* update brainpy.dyn doc by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#199 <>`_

**Full Changelog**\ : `V2.1.8...V2.1.10 <>`_



What's Changed

* Fix `120 <>`_ by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#178 <>`_
* feat: brainpy.Collector supports addition and subtraction by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#179 <>`_
* feat: delay variables support "indices" and "reset()" function by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#180 <>`_
* Support reset functions in neuron and synapse models by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#181 <>`_
* ``update()`` function on longer need ``_t`` and ``_dt`` by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#183 <>`_
* small updates by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#188 <>`_
* feat: easier control flows with ``brainpy.math.ifelse`` by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#189 <>`_
* feat: update delay couplings of ``DiffusiveCoupling`` and ``AdditiveCouping`` by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#190 <>`_
* update version and changelog by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#191 <>`_

**Full Changelog**\ : `V2.1.7...V2.1.8 <>`_



What's Changed

* synapse models support heterogeneuos weights by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#170 <>`_
* more efficient synapse implementation by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#171 <>`_
* fix input models in brainpy.dyn by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#172 <>`_
* fix: np array astype by `ztqakita <>`_ in `#173 <>`_
* update README: 'brain-py' to 'brainpy' by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#174 <>`_
* fix: fix the updating rules in the STP model by `c-xy17 <>`_ in `#176 <>`_
* Updates and fixes by `chaoming0625 <>`_ in `#177 <>`_

**Full Changelog**\ : `V2.1.5...V2.1.7 <>`_

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