We are excited to announce the release of BrainPy 2.1.0. This release is composed of nearly
270 commits since 2.0.2, made by `Chaoming Wang <https://github.com/chaoming0625>`_,
`Xiaoyu Chen <mailto:c-xy17tsinghua.org.cn>`_, and `Tianqiu Zhang <mailto:tianqiuakitagmail.com>`_ .
BrainPy 2.1.0 updates are focused on improving usability, functionality, and stability of BrainPy.
Highlights of version 2.1.0 include:
- New module ``brainpy.dyn`` for dynamics building and simulation. It is composed of many
neuron models, synapse models, and others.
- New module ``brainpy.nn`` for neural network building and training. It supports to
define reservoir models, artificial neural networks, ridge regression training,
and back-propagation through time training.
- New module ``brainpy.datasets`` for convenient dataset construction and initialization.
- New module ``brainpy.integrators.dde`` for numerical integration of delay differential equations.
- Add more numpy-like operators in ``brainpy.math`` module.
- Add automatic continuous integration on Linux, Windows, and MacOS platforms.
- Fully update brainpy documentation.
- Fix bugs on ``brainpy.analysis`` and ``brainpy.math.autograd``
Incompatible changes
- Remove ``brainpy.math.numpy`` module.
- Remove numba requirements
- Remove matplotlib requirements
- Remove `steps` in ``brainpy.dyn.DynamicalSystem``
- Remove travis CI
New Features
- ``brainpy.ddeint`` for numerical integration of delay differential equations,
the supported methods include:
- Euler
- MidPoint
- Heun2
- Ralston2
- RK2
- RK3
- Heun3
- Ralston3
- RK4
- Ralston4
- RK4Rule38
- set default int/float/complex types
- ``brainpy.math.set_dfloat()``
- ``brainpy.math.set_dint()``
- ``brainpy.math.set_dcomplex()``
- Delay variables
- ``brainpy.math.FixedLenDelay``
- ``brainpy.math.NeutralDelay``
- Dedicated operators
- ``brainpy.math.sparse_matmul()``
- More numpy-like operators
- Neural network building ``brainpy.nn``
- Dynamics model building and simulation ``brainpy.dyn``