This release represents a complete redesign of how Brython Server is deployed and interacts with Brython and Ggame.
* Brython-Server is now intended to be deployed with pip, which will install all required dependencies, including Brython and Ggame (must be set in requirements.txt and
* Support for the turtle functionality in Brython. See the repository readme for tips.
* The Brython version used (3.7.3) is now "baked in" to the release.
* The Ggame version used (1.0.10) is now "baked in" to the release.
* Source code is formatted with black and has a perfect score with pylint.
* Ggame sources are served directly from Brython-Server and not from Github. Github is no longer required.
* Brython js files are served directly from Brython-Server.
* Caching uses memcached instead of redis. Both are great, but Brython-Server doesn't need the persistence of redis, which makes memcached a more cost-effective solution for PaaS deployment.