- New default pipeline sensors_to_dense_dsm_no_merging with cumulative rasterisation [698]
- Profiling report for multiprocessing mode [745]
- Dashboard showing tiles processing during a run [765]
- Save of sparse matches in sensor geometry [761]
- Relaunch of frozen tasks after timeout [768]
- Version 1.6.0 of Pandora is used [688]
- Version 0.2.0a2 of Shareloc is used [756]
- Sparse matching processed by strip to improve computation time [753]
- DEM generation improved : less artifacts, filling of invalid regions [754]
- Default orchestrator is multiprocessing [755]
- Disparity interval cropped when it is too high [757]
- Data is typed to save memory consumption [661]
- Preload of CARS in workers for multiprocessing mode to reduce forking time [730]
- CPU usage limited to 100% per worker [750]
- Output classification pixels cannot be floating-point numbers anymore
- ROI not used for endogeneous DEM [772]