Minor Changes
- added -`B`, --`raw` parameter to read a file as binary and write raw binary as output.
- when piping into the repl (cats) the input will also be printed to display a full context.
- added --`config-clear`, --`config-reset` parameter to reset the config to the default settings.
- added --`cconfig-clear`, --`cconfig-reset` parameter to reset the color config to the default settings.
- added --`config-remove`, --`cconfig-remove` parameter to remove/delete the config file.
- added `peek_size` option to the config menu to define the amount of lines shown when using -`p`, --`peek`.
- fixed Bug where --`b64d` would not work in the repl.
- fixed Bug where some literals or patterns would not work in the repl (if they included whitespace).
- fixed Bug where the Editor would always auto indent (even if the config setting was set to False).