Minor Changes
- display unknown arguments in order to indicate an erroneous command call.
- display argument suggestions to help fix an erraneous command call.
- -`G`, --`GREP` now shows the found keywords and matched patterns in the order in which they were found.
- included more special characters like '␉', '␀' in the rawviewer.
- allow for --`peek` to be used with the rawviewer.
- added --`fp`, --`file-prefix` parameter to include the file in every line prefix.
- added --`dot`, `--dotfiles` parameter to include dotfiles.
- added --`plain`, --`plain-only` parameter to skip all non-plain files automatically.
- warnings and errors will now be printed on the stderr-stream instead of stdout.
- display warning when trying to pipe a file into itself.
- added --`oct`, --`OCT` parameter to convert octal numbers.
- added some new bugs to fix later.
- fix Bug where --`sort` would not correctly sort uppercase characters inbetween lowercase characters and have problems with special chars like 'ß', 'µ' ...
- fix Bug where -`G`, --`GREP` would not show prefixes like line number or line length.
- fix Bug where the asterisk symbol (`*`) would not display correctly when using -`f`, --`files` and a keyword has been found.
- fix Bug where the behaviour was unexpected when using `-g`, --`grep` but not providing any literal or pattern.
- fix Bug where the rawviewer would crash when using a different encoding.
- fix Bug where the -`p`, --`peek` parameter would crash when using a different encoding.
- fix Bug where --`bin`, --`dec` and --`hex` would display wrong outputs on negative numbers.