
Latest version: v2.0.0

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1.0.1 edits and ZOrder for Centerline

**Update README**
- Instructions to Generate KML files from Google Earth Pro
- Details about the purpose and example images for `equal_distance`

- Fix ZOrder so centerline sits on top of the blue Voronoi paths (when `display_all_possible_paths=True`)
- Centerline sits on top of blue paths when centerline `marker_type="Line"` and `marker_type="Scatter"`

_Bug fixes and edits
Pytests: 180 test_


Feature in Alpha Release:

**Convert raw data from Google Earth Pro to CSV**
- extractPointsToTextFile()
- convertColumnsToCSV()

**Find centerline and width of river**
- plotCenterline()
- plotCenterlineWidth()
- riverWidthFromCenterline()
- centerlineVoronoi
- centerlineEqualDistance
- centerlineEvenlySpaced
- centerlineSmoothed
- centerlineLength
- rightBankLength
- leftBankLength

**Export centerline to .CSV and .MAT files**
- saveCenterlineCSV()
- saveCenterlineMAT()

| Centerline | Centerline with Width Lines |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| ![image]( | ![image]( |

_Pytests: 180 test_


New Features:
- centerline_type option to graph ("Voronoi", "Evenly Spaced", "Smoothed", "Equal Distance")
- marker_type option to graph (scatter/line)
- centerline_color option (matplotlib color options)

- ellipsoid option to convert degrees to meters

- Replace haversine package with geopy
- Remove unit options (will generate distances in km)
- Fix to prevent lines from being generated outside the polygon

_Bug fixes and edits_
_Pytests: 180 test_


**New Features:**

- New centerline type that represents equal distances from each points (set by user) and accounts for the radius of the Earth to convert from degrees to meters
- Set by equal_distance optional argument in riverCenterline (defaults to 10 meters)
- Can be saved in saveCenterlineMAT() and saveCenterlineCSV() as `centerline_type="Equal Distance"`

- Save centerline values to a .mat file

**latitude_header and longitude_header for saveCenterlineMAT and saveCenterlineCSV**

- new options to set the header values for the latitude and longtiude in the output file by the user

_Bug fixes and edits_

_Pytests: 166 tests_


**Bug fixes for returning the width based on centerline**


**User warning if smoothed coordinates need to use interpolate_n_centerpoints (useful for narrow rivers with sparse data)**
- `Example Error: WARNING: Partially invalid smoothed centerline due to sparse centerline data (6 points lie outside the polygon), fix recommendation: rerun riverCenterline to create river object with interpolate_n_centerpoints set to 62+`

**Include new centerline-width logo**

**Updated example images and descriptions**

**Bug fixes**

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