- Added `PrincipalCheckingRule`, it has a property called `valid_principals`. It's a list with all allowed principals.
This list can be customized using `_get_whitelist_from_config()`.
- Added `AWS_ELASTICACHE_BACKUP_CANONICAL_IDS` which contains the aws canonical ids used for backups.
- `CrossAccountTrustRule` outputs warning log message if the AWS Account ID is not present in the config.
- `HardcodedRDSPasswordRule` updated to check for both RDS Clusters and RDS Instances, and reduce false positives on
valid instances.
- `CrossAccountTrustRule`, `GenericWildcardPrincipalRule`, `S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule`, `S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule`
and `S3CrossAccountTrustRule` now check the account against a list.
The list is composed of AWS service accounts, configured AWS principals and the account id where the event came from.