Updates - Created `GenericCrossAccountTrustRule` in order to check for CrossAccount issues for generic resources. - Added documentation regarding the deprecation of `S3CrossAccountTrustRule`, `KMSKeyCrossAccountTrustRule`, `ElasticsearchDomainCrossAccountTrustRule` and `OpenSearchDomainCrossAccountTrustRule`. - Covering cases for already mapped models in rules inherited from `CrossAccountCheckingRule` with the new `GenericCrossAccountTrustRule`. Improvements - Bump `pycfmodel` to `0.17.0` Fixes - Stopped using `_statement_as_list()` when retrieving statements in `CrossAccountCheckingRule` in favor of `statement_as_list()`.
Not secure
Fixes - Fix how `make install-dev` works, it will install dependencies from `make install` first. Improvements - Bump dev dependency `moto` from `1.3.13` to `1.3.14`.
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Improvements - Bump `pycfmodel` to `0.16.3`
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Fixes - Fix CI, updated tests to work with `pycfmodel` latest version which includes the use of the `Generic`. Improvements - Bump and fixed required dependency `pycfmodel` to be at least `0.16.2`. - Bump several dependencies: - `boto3` to `1.21.2` - `botocore` to `1.24.2` - `cfn-flip` to `1.3.0` - `pydantic` to `1.9.0` - `python-dateutil` to `2.8.2` - `pyyaml` to `6.0` - `s3transfer` to `0.5.1` - `typing-extensions` to `4.1.1` - `urllib3` to `1.26.8`
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Fixes - Fix CI, force `pycfmodel` to use version `0.13.0`.
Not secure
Updates - Stop logging when conditions are ignored in `CrossAccountCheckingRule`, `KMSKeyWildcardPrincipalRule`, `S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule`, `SQSQueuePolicyPublicRule` and `GenericWildcardPrincipalRule`.