- Fix creating ROIs from float coordinates exceeding int16 range (7). - Fix bottom-right bounds in ImagejRoi.frompoints.
- Use multi-threading to compress strips and tiles. - Raise TiffFileError when reading corrupted strips and tiles (122). - Fix ScanImage single channel count (121). - Add parser for AstroTIFF FITS metadata.
- Fix jpeg numcodecs with tables (28). - Add APNG codec via libpng-apng patch. - Add lossless and decodingspeed parameters to jpegxl_encode (30). - Add option to read JPEG XL animations. - Add dummy numthreads parameter to codec functions. - Set default numthreads to 1 (disable multi-threading). - Drop support for Python 3.7 and numpy < 1.19 (NEP29).
- Fix ValueError using multiscale ZarrStore with zarr >= 2.11.0. - Raise KeyError if ZarrStore does not contain key. - Limit number of warnings for missing files in multifile series. - Allow to save colormap to 32-bit ImageJ files (115).
- Add type hints. - Drop support for Python 3.7 and numpy < 1.19 (NEP29).