- Raise exception when writing non-volume data with volumetric tiles (225). - Improve multi-threaded writing of compressed multi-page files. - Fix fsspec reference for big-endian files with predictors.
- Rewrite VistaIfli based on file format specification (breaking). - Define positional and keyword parameters (breaking). - SimfcsFbd.asarray returns bins only (breaking).
- Map avif_encode level parameter to quality (breaking). - Support monochrome images in avif_encode. - Add numthreads parameter to avif_decode (fix imread of AVIF). - Add quantize filter (BitGroom, BitRound, GBR) via nc4var.c. - Add LZ4H5 codec. - Support more BCn compressed DDS fourcc types. - Require libavif 1.0.
- Fix linting issues. - Add py.typed marker. - Drop support for Python 3.8 and numpy < 1.22 (NEP29).
- Verify shaped metadata is compatible with page shape. - Support out parameter when returning selection from imread (222).
- Support decompressing EER frames. - Facilitate filtering logged warnings (216). - Read more tags from UIC1Tag (217). - Fix premature closing of files in main (218). - Don't force matplotlib backend to tkagg in main (219). - Add py.typed marker. - Drop support for imagecodecs < 2023.3.16.