for more detailed information about upgrading to this release.
* enhancement:rest-api:Print out full stack trace when an error occurs (711)
* enhancement:rest-api:Add ``image/jpeg`` as a default binary content type (707)
* feature:event-source:Add support for AWS Lambda only projects (162, 640)
* bugfix:policy:Fix inconsistent IAM role generation with pure lambdas (685)
* enhancement:deployment:Rewrite Chalice deployer to more easily support additional AWS resources (604)
* feature:packaging:Update the ``chalice package`` command to support
pure lambda functions and scheduled events. (772)
* bugfix:packaging:Fix packager edge case normalizing sdist names (778)
* bugfix:packaging:Fix SQLAlchemy packaging (778)
* bugfix:packaging:Fix packaging abi3, wheels this fixes cryptography 2.2.x packaging (764)