for more detailed information about upgrading to this release.
Note: to install this beta version of chalice you must specify
``pip install 'chalice>=1.0.0b2,<2.0.0'`` or
use the ``--pre`` flag for pip: ``pip install --pre chalice``.
* enhancement:local:Set env vars from config in ``chalice local`` (396)
* bugfix:packaging:Fix edge case when building packages with optional c extensions (421)
* enhancement:policy:Remove legacy ``policy.json`` file support. Policy files must
use the stage name, e.g. ``policy-dev.json`` (430)
* bugfix:deployment:Fix issue where IAM role policies were updated twice on redeploys (428)
* enhancement:rest-api:Validate route path is not an empty string (432)
* enhancement:rest-api:Change route code to invoke view function with kwargs instead of
positional args (429)