This is the `1.0.0` release of CheckQC. :fireworks:
Running CheckQC is as easy as:
checkqc <path to your runfolder>
In this version CheckQC supports the following Illumina instruments:
- HiSeqX
- HiSeq2500
- MiSeq
- NovaSeq
It has five handlers which allows examining the following QC metrics:
- `UndeterminedPercentageHandler`, checks the amount of reads which could not be assigned to a specific sample.
- `ClusterPFHandler`, checks the amount of clusters (reads) which have passed Illuminas filters.
- `Q30Handler`, checks the percentage of data which is above Q30.
- `ErrorRateHandler`, checks that the error rate is below a set value
- `ReadsPerSampleHandler`, checks that the number of reads assigned to a sample is not below what one would expect given the number of samples on that lane (assuming that all samples pooled together should have the same amount of data)