What's Changed
* Add new R1rho experiments (WIP)
- Implement two R1rho calculation methods:
1. `wip.relaxation_15n_r1rho_eig`: Uses smallest real eigenvalue
2. `wip.relaxation_15n_r1rho`: Simulates magnetization tilt and spin lock
- Place new experiments in `experiments.catalog.wip`
- Update experiment loader to register all plugins
Note: Work in progress, further refinements expected
* Address negative AIC issue (gbouvignies in [247](https://github.com/gbouvignies/ChemEx/pull/247))
* Bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.34.2 to 7.34.4 in /website (dependabot in [251](https://github.com/gbouvignies/ChemEx/pull/251), [#254](https://github.com/gbouvignies/ChemEx/pull/254))
* Bump prettier from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /website (dependabot in [253](https://github.com/gbouvignies/ChemEx/pull/253))
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/gbouvignies/ChemEx/compare/v2024.05.3...v2024.07.31-alpha.1