
Latest version: v10.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 688126 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure


- CI improvements:

* Add basic working Circle CI v2 config

- Fix URI encoding bug introduced in :pr:`39`

* Improve :py:class:`cheroot.test.helper.Controller` to properly match


Not secure


- CI improvements:

* Switch to native PyPy support in Travis CI

* Take into account :pep:`257` compliant modules

* Build wheel in AppVeyor and store it as an artifact

- Improve urllib support in :py:mod:`cheroot._compat`

- :issue:`38` via :pr:`39`: Improve URI parsing:

* Make it compliant with :rfc:`7230`, :rfc:`7231` and :rfc:`2616`

* Fix setting of ``environ['QUERY_STRING']`` in WSGI

* Introduce ``proxy_mode`` and ``strict_mode`` argument in ``server.HTTPRequest``

* Fix decoding of Unicode URIs in WSGI 1.0 gateway


Not secure


- CI improvements:

* Don't run tests during deploy stage

* Use VM based build job environments only for ``pyenv`` environments

* Opt-in for beta trusty image Travis CI

* Be verbose when running tests (show test names)

* Show ``xfail``/skip details during test run

- :issue:`34`: Fix ``_handle_no_ssl`` error handler calls

- :issue:`21`: Fix ``test_conn`` tests:

* Improve setup_server def in HTTP connection tests

* Fix HTTP streaming tests

* Fix HTTP/1.1 pipelining test under Python 3

* Fix ``test_readall_or_close`` test

* Fix ``test_No_Message_Body``

* Clarify ``test_598`` fail reason

- :issue:`36`: Add GitHub templates for PR, issue && contributing

- :issue:`27`: Default HTTP Server header to Cheroot version str

- Cleanup :py:mod:`~cheroot._compat` functions from server module


Not secure


- Fix all :pep:`257` related errors in all non-test modules.

``cheroot/test/*`` folder is only one left allowed to fail with this linter.

- :cp-issue:`1602` and :pr:`30`: Optimize chunked body reader loop by returning
empty data is the size is 0.

- :cp-issue:`1486`: Reset buffer if the body size is unknown

- :cp-issue:`1131`: Add missing size hint to SizeCheckWrapper


Not secure


- :pr:`32`: Ignore ``"unknown error"`` and ``"https proxy request"``
SSL errors.

Ref: :gh:`sabnzbd/sabnzbd820 <sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues/820>`

Ref: :gh:`sabnzbd/sabnzbd860 <sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues/860>`


Not secure


- Make AppVeyor list separate tests in corresponding tab.

- :pr:`29`: Configure Travis CI build stages.

Prioritize tests by stages.

Move deploy stage to be run very last after all other stages finish.

- :pr:`31`: Ignore "Protocol wrong type for socket" (EPROTOTYPE) OSX for non-blocking sockets.

This was originally fixed for regular sockets in :cp-issue:`1392`.


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