- :cp-issue:`1818`: Restore support for ``None`` default argument to ``WebCase.getPage()``.
- Deprecated use of negative timeouts as alias for infinite timeouts in ``ThreadPool.stop``. - :cp-issue:`1662` via :pr:`74`: For OPTION requests, bypass URI as path if it does not appear absolute.
- Workers are now request-based, addressing the long-standing issue with keep-alive connections (:issue:`91` via :pr:`199`).
- :issue:`231` via :pr:`232`: Remove custom ``setup.cfg`` parser handling, allowing the project (including ``sdist``) to build/run on setuptools 41.4. Now building cheroot requires setuptools 30.3 or later (for declarative config support) and preferably 34.4 or later (as indicated in ``pyproject.toml``).
- :pr:`224`: Refactored "open URL" behavior in :py:mod:`~cheroot.test.webtest` to rely on `retry_call <https://jaracofunctools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest#jaraco.functools.retry_call>`_. Callers can no longer pass ``raise_subcls`` or ``ssl_context`` positionally, but must pass them as keyword arguments.
- Revisit :pr:`85` under :pr:`221`. Now ``backports.functools_lru_cache`` is only required on Python 3.2 and earlier. - :cp-issue:`1206` via :pr:`204`: Fix race condition in threadpool shrink code.