
Latest version: v0.10.2

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* Bugfix for second place player markers not disappearing

* Small fix to make Telemetry.killed() more reliable since API might not provide all killed events



* Added zordering to plot elements for better visualizations



* Deprecated player.attributes.createdAt and player.attributes.updatedAt per API v1.5.1

* Fixed map name access in telemetry methods due to changes in API v1.5.1

* Added map id method to telemetry

* Added package metadata access to package level

* Added is_custom method to match objects



* Added Sanhok (Savage_Main) map

* Removed /matches and /telemetry API calls from the rate limiter per the API documentation



* Telemetry.player_positions() now only show up to the first recorded dead position

* Playback animations now show PvP damage events

* Changed Telemetry.player_positions() events to use timestamps rather than timeElapsed to be consistent with other events

* Bugfix for dead highlight players affecting other player's death markers

* Bugfix for player deaths showing late.



* Bugfix for Telemetry import in Match object

* Bufgix for TypeError on highlights and labels in animations

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