_2 May 2020_
- 🌟 Deterministic builds. cibuildwheel now locks the versions of the tools it
uses. This means that pinning your version of cibuildwheel pins the versions
of pip, setuptools, manylinux etc. that are used under the hood. This should
make things more reliable. But note that we don't control the entire build
environment on macOS and Windows, where the version of Xcode and Visual
Studio can still effect things.
This can be controlled using the [CIBW_DEPENDENCY_VERSIONS](https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/options/#dependency-versions)
and [manylinux image](https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/options/#linux-image)
options - if you always want to use the latest toolchain, you can still do
that, or you can specify your own pip constraints file and manylinux image.
- ✨ Added `package_dir` command line option, meaning we now support building
a package that lives in a subdirectory and pulls in files from the wider
project. See [the `package_dir` option help](https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/options/#command-line-options)
for more information.
Note that this change makes the working directory (where you call
cibuildwheel from) relevant on Linux, as it's considered the 'project' and
will be copied into the Docker container. If your builds are slower on this
version, that's likely the reason. `cd` to your project and then call
`cibuildwheel` from there. (319, 295)
- 🛠 On macOS, we make `MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` default to `10.9` if it's
not set. This should make things more consistent between Python versions.
- 🛠 Dependency updates - CPython 3.7.7, CPython 2.7.18, Pypy 7.3.1.