_5 July 2022_
- ✨ You can now run cibuildwheel on Podman, as an alternate container engine to Docker (which remains the default). This is useful in environments where a Docker daemon isn't available, for example, it can be run inside a Docker container, or without root access. To use Podman, set the [`CIBW_CONTAINER_ENGINE`](https://cibuildwheel.pypa.io/en/stable/options/#container-engine) option. (966)
- ✨ Adds support for building `py3-none-{platform}` wheels. This works the same as ABI3 - wheels won't be rebuilt, but tests will still be run across all selected versions of Python.
These wheels contain native extension code, but don't use the Python APIs. Typically, they're bridged to Python using a FFI module like [ctypes](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html) or [cffi](https://cffi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). Because they don't use Python ABI, the wheels are more compatible - they work across many Python versions.
Check out this [example ctypes project](https://github.com/joerick/python-ctypes-package-sample) to see an example of how it works. (#1151)
- 🛠 cibuildwheel will now error if multiple builds in a single run produce the same wheel filename, as this indicates a misconfiguration. (1152)
- 📚 A few docs improvements and updates to keep things up-to-date.