- TER-493: Remove Azure SDK dependencies, use Azure CLI, and fall back to a [standard usage of azure backend configuration](
- Specific installation procedure with azure dependencies does not exist anymore, more details in [installation instructions](
- Previous Azure backend state and data remote states configurations files may now be incomplete. It is necessary to define `subscription_id` and `resource_group_name` attributes if not present. See [azurerm backend documentation ](
- TER-468: Allow templates outside templates directory
- TER-492: Allow multiple states configuration for a same backend type, see [states centralization configuration](
- TER-497: Allow multiple providers declaration in stack configuration. Only supported for Azure stacks for now, see [stacks-configurations](
- TER-499: Fix regressions on `bootstrap` and `foreach` introduced in v9.2.0
- TER-500: Add coverage
- TER-501: Improve HTTP requests cache initialization and ensure all unit tests have their own empty cache
- TER-502: Ignore flake8 rule D103 on all unit test files
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3
- Bump requests from 2.25.1 to 2.27.1