MSP Reallocation Support. - Support for reallocation of declaimed IONs between tenants managed by a MSP.
SDWANAPPS status framework. - Initial framework for SDWANAPPS Status APIs.
Changed SDK Functions: - `reallocate_clients` renamed to `clients_reallocate` (backwards compatible)
CloudGenix Python SDK v5.3.1b1 Release Info.
Notable API changes:
- `interfaces_status` (**v3.0** to **v3.1**) - `sites` (**v4.4** to **v4.5**)
Notable SDK changes:
ESP/MSP support for moving/reallocating IONs between sub-tenants (clients). - New ESP/MSP functions to facilitate this capability: - `clients_machines` - `clients_machines_query` - `clients_query` - `reallocate_clients`
Changed SDK Functions: - Updated `extract_items` function. - Now allows for extracting items from keys other than `items` by passing a key value to `items_key`.
CloudGenix Python SDK v5.2.3b1 Release Info.
Notable API changes:
- `appdefs` (**v2.1** to **v2.2**) - `appdefs_overrides` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `appdefs_query` (**v2.1** to **v2.2**) - `auditlog` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `auditlog_query` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `authtokens` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `bgpconfigs` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `bgppeers` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `bgppeers_query` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `bgppeers_status` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `dhcpservers` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `element_bgppeers_status` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `elements` (**v2.2** to **v2.3**) - `elements_query` (**v2.2** to **v2.3**) - `interfaces` (**v4.6** to **v4.7**) - `ipsecprofiles` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `ipsecprofiles_query` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `networkpolicyrules` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `networkpolicyrules_query` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `networkpolicysets` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `sites` (**v4.3** to **v4.4**) - `sites_query` (**v4.3** to **v4.4**) - `syslogservers` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `tenant_anynetlinks` (**v3.0** to **v3.1**) - `tenant_operators` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**) - `topology` (**v3.0** to **v3.1**) - `waninterfaces` (**v2.3** to **v2.4**) - `waninterfaces_query` (**v2.3** to **v2.4**)
Notable SDK changes:
WebSocket support (Python 3.6 and higher only). - Support for Websocket connections to the controller. Uses Python "Websockets" library. Will only be present for users of Python 3.6 and higher. Support is integrated directly into the `API()` object.
NAT Policy Set Stack support - Flexible policy-driven NAT support for CloudGenix IONs running 5.2.1 or higher. - Support for `natpolicysetstacks` objects and related functions: - `natglobalprefixes` - `natglobalprefixes_query` - `natlocalprefixes` - `natlocalprefixes_query` - `natpolicypools` - `natpolicypools_query` - `natpolicyrules` - `natpolicyrules_query` - `natpolicysets` - `natpolicysets_query` - `natpolicysets_status` - `natpolicysetstacks` - `natpolicysetstacks_query` - `natzones` - `natzones_query` - `site_natlocalprefixes`
Toolkit Session - Connection to CloudGenix IONs running 5.2.1 or higher via encrypted Controller WebSocket connection - Support streaming interactive session to IONs via controller WebSocket. Requires Python 3.6 or higher and IONs running 5.2.1 or higher. Related APIs: - `toolkit_session` in `ws`
Default WebSocket - Connection to the CloudGenix Controller via encrypted WebSocket for multiple operations - Support streaming interactive session CloudGenix Controller. Used for current and future streaming telemetry. Initial capabilities: - `config_change` streaming notifications.
Error/Warning side channel message support. - CloudGenix extended `requests.Response` objects now include `cgx_errors` and `cgx_warnings` to give more easily accessible info on failed requests.
Helper functions to do frequently used operations. - New helper functions to do common operations directly in the SDK itself: - `throw_error`: Throw a customizable Exception with custom text to stderr and optionally a CloudGenix extended `requests.Response` request to print in detail. - `throw_warning`: Send custom text to stderr and optionally a CloudGenix extended `requests.Response` request to print in detail. Does not raise an Exception. - `throw_warning`: Send custom text to stderr and optionally a CloudGenix extended `requests.Response` request to print in detail. Does not raise an Exception. - `extract_items`: Safely extract items from an `items` key in a CloudGenix extended `requests.Response`. - `build_lookup_dict`: Create an arbitrary key/value lookup/mapping dictionary from any CloudGenix object. Defaults to Name to ID.
UPDATED support for MSP/ESP Client login/logout - New capabilities for ESPs/MSPs to log in/log out of clients seamlessly. Check `interactive.login()` and `interactive.use_token()` documentation for more info.
Removed SDK Functions: - None
Changed SDK Functions: - `advertisedprefixes_bgppeers` renamed to `bgppeers_advertisedprefixes` (backwards compatible) - `discoveredprefixes_bgppeers` renamed to `bgppeers_discoveredprefixes` (backwards compatible) - `base_roles_clients` renamed to `clients_base_roles` (backwards compatible) - `login_clients` renamed to `clients_login` (backwards compatible) - `logout_clients` renamed to `clients_logout` (backwards compatible) - `roles_clients` renamed to `clients_roles` (backwards compatible) - `password_elementusers` renamed to `elementusers_password` (backwards compatible) - `aggregates_monitor` renamed to `monitor_aggregates` (backwards compatible) - `bulk_metrics_monitor` renamed to `monitor_bulk_metrics` (backwards compatible) - `flows_monitor` renamed to `monitor_flows` (backwards compatible) - `metrics_monitor` renamed to `monitor_metrics` (backwards compatible) - `object_stats_monitor` renamed to `monitor_object_stats` (backwards compatible) - `sys_metrics_monitor` renamed to `monitor_sys_metrics` (backwards compatible) - `topn_monitor` renamed to `monitor_topn` (backwards compatible) - `change_password` renamed to `password_change` (backwards compatible) - `query_current_status_software` renamed to `software_current_status_query` (backwards compatible) - `query_status_software` renamed to `software_status_query` (backwards compatible) - `query_softwarehistory` renamed to `softwarehistory_query` (backwards compatible) - `ops_spokeclusters` renamed to `spokeclusters_ops` (backwards compatible) - `ntp_templates` renamed to `templates_ntp` (backwards compatible) - `state_vpnlinks` renamed to `vpnlinks_state` (backwards compatible)