
Latest version: v6.5.1b1

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- `appdefs` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**)
- `appdefs_query` (**v0.1** to **v2.1**)
- `elementaccessconfigs` (**v2.1** to **v2.2**)
- `elements` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**)
- `elements_query` (**v2.0** to **v2.1**)
- `flows_monitor` (**v3.2** to **v3.3**)
- `interfaces` (**v4.3** to **v4.4**)
- `sites` (**v4.1** to **v4.2**)
- `sites_query` (**v4.1** to **v4.2**)

Notable SDK changes:

Upgrade available notification
- On SDK Constructor creation, SDK will check if update is available and notify to STDERR. Can be disabled as desired.

Removed SDK Functions:
- **ALL** Functions ending with `_single`.
- `coreroutepeers`
- `corerouterpeers_operations`
- `corerouterpeers_status`
- `edgeroutepeers`
- `edgerouterpeers_operations`
- `edgerouterpeers_status`

Changed SDK Functions:
- `query_auditlog` to `auditlog_query` (old name aliased for backwards compatibility)
- `query_ipsecprofiles` to `ipsecprofiles_query` (old name aliased for backwards compatibility)
- `anynetlinks_s` to `site_anynetlinks` (old name aliased for backwards compatibility)
- `admin_state_i` to `element_admin_state` (old name aliased for backwards compatibility)
- `admin_state_s` to `site_admin_state` (old name aliased for backwards compatibility)
- `status_ntp` to `ntp_status` (old name aliased for backwards compatibility)

New SDK Functions:

Helper pretty-print functions
- `jd_detailed` - Detailed JSON/CGX API Response pretty printer
- `jdout` - jd function that returns formatted string instead of printing.
- `jdout_detailed` - jd_detailed function that returns formatted string instead of printing.

System Application Overrides:
- `appdefs_overrides`

BGP / Classic Routing support:
- `bgpconfigs`
- `bgppeers`
- `bgppeers_operations`
- `advertisedprefixes_bgppeers`
- `bgppeers_reachableprefixes`
- `bgppeers_status`
- `element_bgppeers_status`
- `routing_aspathaccesslists`
- `routing_ipcommunitylists`
- `routing_prefixlists`
- `routing_routemaps`

Stacked Policies - Priority (QoS) Policies:
- `prioritypolicysetstacks`
- `prioritypolicyglobalprefixes`
- `prioritypolicyrules`
- `prioritypolicysets`
- `prioritypolicytemplates`
- `site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes`
- `tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes`
- `prioritypolicysets_status`

Stacked Policies - Network (Path) Policies:
- `networkpolicysetstacks`
- `networkpolicyglobalprefixes`
- `networkpolicyrules`
- `networkpolicysets`
- `site_networkpolicylocalprefixes`
- `tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes`
- `networkpolicysets_status`

Query bulk search API support:
- `bgppeers_query`
- `routing_aspathaccesslists_query`
- `routing_ipcommunitylists_query`
- `routing_prefixlists_query`
- `routing_routemaps_query`
- `prioritypolicysetstacks_query`
- `networkpolicysetstacks_query`
- `prioritypolicyrules_query`
- `networkpolicyrules_query`
- `prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query`
- `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query`
- `networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query`
- `networkpolicylocalprefixes_query`
- `networkpolicysets_query`
- `prioritypolicysets_query`
- `networkcontexts_query`
- `pathgroups_query`
- `securitypolicysets_query`
- `servicebindingmaps_query`
- `serviceendpoints_query`
- `servicelabels_query`
- `waninterfacelabels_query`
- `sitesecurityzones_query`


CloudGenix Python SDK v5.0.1b1 Release Info.

Notable API changes:





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