- Avoid useless redirects when using sorting and current URL ends with `/view` or so. [gbastien] - Fixed tests to use translated strings instead msgid, adapted buildout so po files are computed. [gbastien]
- Check also empty column value with __empty_string__. [sgeulette] - Set default to ignored_value DateColumn [sgeulette]
- Enable merging and caching for collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable.js in portal_javascripts. [gbastien]
- Handle sort_on of the query by storing result of the sorting widget in the request.form so it is reuseable by other widget.query that also manage the sort_on attribute. [gbastien]
- Added ElementNumberColumn that will display the number of the current element among elements displayed in the table. This supports table using batch or not. [gbastien]
- Add option ignoreColumnWeight to Table to keep columns ordered as returned by setUpColumns() rather than by column weight. [sdelcourt]