- Use HTML entities &9650; and &9660; instead of ▴ and ▾ so it behaves nicely in both Firefox and Chrome. [gbastien]
- Define a default CSS class on each TD as it is already done for TH so it is easy to skin if necessary. [gbastien]
- Replace sort triangle characters by html entities. [sgeulette] - Don't pin setuptools for travis. [sgeulette]
- Set long_format=True for CreationDateColumn and ModificationDateColumn. [gbastien] - VocabularyColumn: get term by value and not by token. [sgeulette]
- Added 2 viewlets managers in the table : 'collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable.top' and 'collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable.bottom'. [gbastien] - Replaced DateColumn rendering to work not only with DateTime but with DateTime, datetime and date. [sgeulette]
- If an error occurs during render_table, catch the exception and display traceback manually in the Zope log to avoid faceted view to be frozen (JS 'lock' the web page and it is not unlocked when an error occurs). [gbastien]