- Adds icons for the Cover content type and for the Compose and Layout tabs.
- Fix error when clicking on a folder in Content Tree.
- Fix error when clearing content chooser input (fixes `942 <https://github.com/collective/collective.cover/issues/942>`_).
- Improve content chooser search input layout.
- Fix layout scroll - impossible to save.
- Remove patch in ``Products.ZCatalog.query.IndexQuery``. ``Products.ZCatalog`` 5.4 fix bug when search parameter is a record.
- Drop suport to Python 3.6.
- Use plone resource instead of browser resource.
- Remove javascript customization that was making ajax calls synchronous.
- Shows selected folder path in Content Tree (fixes `921 <https://github.com/collective/collective.cover/issues/921>`_).
- Add missing dependencies: ``Products.MimetypesRegistry``, ``Products.ZCatalog``,
``persistent``, ``plone.locking``, ``zope.container``, ``zope.traversing``, ``ZODB`` and ``Zope``.
- Remove unused dependencies: ``plone.app.content``, ``plone.app.jquery``, ``cssselect``, ``testfixtures`` and ``transaction``.
- Fix link integrity (fixes `615 <https://github.com/collective/collective.cover/issues/615>`_).
- Unlock Cover when editor leaves Compose/Layout tabs (fixes `916 <https://github.com/collective/collective.cover/issues/916>`_).
- Fix PicklingError when editing basic tile that contains an image (fixes `907 <https://github.com/collective/collective.cover/issues/907>`_).
- Reorganizes the js events register in Compose when we drag content from one tile to
another, in order to prevent the content from remaining on the source tile.
- In ``PersistentCoverTileDataManager`` set, purge tile after put values into storage to
prevent old values from being cache, since purge accesses ``tile.data``.
Also updated the attribute where data is saved for ``self.storage``.
- Show Cover in navbar.
- Remove custom message of onbeforeunload popup. Browsers no longer display the custom
- Apply patch in ``Products.ZCatalog.query.IndexQuery``, to avoid error when clicking on a day with event in the calendar tile.
- Fix calendar tile in Plone 5.2 (fixes `633 <https://github.com/collective/collective.cover/issues/633>`_).
[wesleybl, pbauer]
- Remove old upgrade steps.
- Add suport to Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
- Drop support for Plone 4.x
- Add support to Plone 5.2.
- Drop PFG support
- Fix plone.namedfile scales
- Correction of the visualization of the image scales
- Fix Js registry with new concepts in Plone 5
- Drop Deco grid
- Refactor tests