- Allow to set a custom URL on elements for a Carousel (fixes `377`_).
- If an Image content is included, redirect to view and not the image itself
- Modifying annotations, while iterating through them, caused their size to be reduced and the loop to end early, leaving annotations in the object.
- Add an option to extend JS configuration to reload tile in custom tiles (outside of collective.cover).
- Include a behavior to add a couple of fields that enable reloading the current page after a certain amount of time.
Typical use case is a news portal that wants to keep the front page updated and increase the number of page views.
- Fix modification time disappearing from context data and handling missing value (fixes `449`_).
- Show event's start date (instead of publication date) for Event-like objects in Basic, Collection and List tiles.
- Remove PloneFormGen's 'Form Folder' from default searchable types (fixes `438`_).
- Fix AttributeError caused by editing a basic tile and not populating the
image field.
- Fix ``RemoveItemFromListTile`` helper browser view to avoid failure to
remove an object when the tile is not a List Tile but a subclass of it.
- Fix ``UpdateTileContent`` helper browser view to avoid returning the
rendering of previous object in tile on AJAX calls.