
Latest version: v0.22.0

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- Searched unrestrictedly countable tabs.



- Adapt code to allow override of faceted context
- Fixed bug in JS function `generatePodDocument` that was only taking elements
of the current dashboard page and no more following pages.



- Avoid double different checks in
`DashboardDocumentGenerationView._get_generation_context` (one time checked
on presence of `facetedQuery` in `REQUEST` then if context is
`IFacetedNavigable`, only check if context is `IFacetedNavigable`).
- Adapted `DashboardDocumentGeneratorLinksViewlet` template
(``) to use svg icons now that it is the case in
Require `collective.documentgenerator>3.19`.
- Small fix in faceted criterion CSS to be sure that first value is
correctly displayed.



- Fixed pretty link displayed in dashboards, not necessary to change
`vertical-align` CSS property.
- Added total collections results count on folder tabs providing ICountableTab.
Only manual refresh for now.
[daggelpop, sgeulette]



- Fixed css of `no results` sentence for `eea.facetednavigation>14`.



- Fixed IndexError when generating a dashboardpotemplte whith empty elements.

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