
Latest version: v0.22.0

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- Do not compute collections count when initializing collections portlet, as it
is updated in the Faceted.AJAX_QUERY_SUCCESS event, it avoid being computed



- Do not render widget twice when portlet faceted displayed outside dashboard.



- Adapted CSS for `div.table_faceted_results` displaying number of results.



- Remove contsraint on Products.ZCatalog.
- Always use latest versions of eea products.



- Sort uniquely collection vocabulary columns names, because multiple columns
with same name can be defined for different interfaces.
- Added parameter `default_UID` to `utils.enableFacetedDashboardFor` to set
default collection UID when enabling faceted on a folder.
- When calling `utils.enableFacetedDashboardFor`, set a value in the `REQUEST`
`enablingFacetedDashboard` specifying that we are currently enabling a
faceted dashboard.



- Make sure overrided vocabulary `` is
also used when adding a new DashboardCollection, so when current context is
not a DashboardCollection but the parent.
- Added `demo` profile.
- Added parameter `show_left_column=True` to `utils.enableFacetedDashboardFor`
to be able to not show the Plone left column when enabling dashboard on a
faceted folder.
- Added `DashboardCollectionsVocabulary._render_term_title` to make it easy to
override term title rendering.
- Override default eea.facetednavigation spinner (ajax-loader.gif).

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