- Adapted french translation for `More infos`. [gbastien]
- Fixed `utils.get_ordered_categories` and `IconifiedCategoryGroupAdapter.get_every_categories` to make sure returned categories are from the correct `config_root` and `cachekey` is invalidated if `config_root` changed. [gbastien]
- Added `categorized-childs-manage` that will render a link to manage categorized elements. [gbastien] - Implemented `CategorizedContent._unrestrictedGetObject` as `collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable` calls now `item._unrestrictedGetObject` instead `item.getObject` for performance optimization. [gbastien] - Added `safe_utils.py` that will only include safe utils. [gbastien] - We need to escape some content to avoid malicious content:
- Rely on collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable to display the categorized content table, it manages escaping content; - Escape category title in vocabularies.
Not secure
- Make `validateFileIsPDF` invariant check if a `contentType` is directly available on data, this avoid checking on the file. [gbastien]
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- Fixed `metadata.xml` version, set `2103` instead `2101`. [gbastien]
Not secure
- Updated upgrade step to 2103 (`Add 'last_updated' to categorized_elements`), do not stop in case we found a `last_updated` key in `categorized_elements` of an element but continue to next element, maybe some elements were updated by another part of code. [gbastien]