- Added `many_elements_7_columns` and `many_elements_8_columns` styles necessary when displaying really many elements on several columns. [gbastien] - Make sure the icon sticks to the text first word in the tooltipster popup by wrapping the icon and categorized element title first word in a `<span>` that uses a `style="white-space: nowrap"`. [gbastien]
Not secure
- Fix CSS applied in tooltipster popup for active confidential. [gbastien]
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- Make sure number of elements applied CSS is done when tooltipstered or not. [gbastien] - Added possibility to pass a CSS selector to `categorizedChildsInfos`, the JS method that initialize `tooltipster` for categorized elements. [gbastien]
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- Adapted JS call to `tooltipster` as `collective.js.tooltipster` now uses `tooltipster` 4.2.6. Require `collective.js.tooltipster` > 0.1 [gbastien]
Not secure
- When changing an element's `content_category`, reapply the default values for fields `to_print`, `confidential`, `to_sign` and `signed` if it was still the original default value defined on original `content_category`. Default values are linked to the `content_category`. [gbastien]
Not secure
- In `actionview.BaseView`, moved the `ObjectModifiedEvent` from the `__call__` to the `set_values` method so using it directly updates the `categorized_elements` of the parent. [gbastien]