- Feature: The generator `cmake_find_package_multi` generates a `PackageConfigVersion.cmake` file that allows using `find_package` with the `VERSION` argument. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6063). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1484)
- Feature: Support for Intel compiler. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6052). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1479)
- Feature: Allow setting different cpp_info name for each generator that supports that property using the new cpp_info.names["generator_name"] property. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6033). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1489)
- Feature: Provide `_INCLUDE_DIR` variables in the `cmake_find_package` generator (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6017)
- Feature: Information in the `artifacts.properties` file is sent using matrix-params too when a package is uploaded to a server (if it has the capability). This will be the recommended way to send these properties to Artifactory (release TBD) to bypass Nginx blocking properties with periods. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6014). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1487)
- Feature: New `tools.check_min_cppstd` and `tools.valid_min_cppstd` to check if the cppstd version is valid for a specific package. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5997). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1467)
- Feature: New parameter for `tools.patch` to opt-in applying fuzzy patches. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5996). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1466)
- Feature: Environment variables for virtual environments are stored in `.env` files containing just the key-value pairs. It will help other processes that need to read these variables to run their own commands. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5989)
- Feature: New argument of `conan upload` command `--parallel` to upload packages using multithreading. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5856). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1250)
- Feature: New ``python_requires`` declared as Conanfile class attributes. Includes extension of base class, they affect the binary packageID with ``minor_mode`` default mode. They are also locked in lockfiles. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5804). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1495)
- Feature: Accept logging level as logging names (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5772). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1419)
- Fix: Add the RES_DIRS as variable to the variables when using the ``cmake_find_package`` generator. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6166)
- Fix: Fix SyntaxWarning when comparing a literal with for identity in Python 3.8 (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6165)
- Fix: Remove recipe linter from codebase, it is no longer a built-in feature. It has been moved to hooks. Install the hook and update your "conan.conf" to activate it. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6152). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1488)
- Fix: Make lockfiles invariant when the graph doesn't change. Now 2 different lockfiles captured with the same resulting graph in 2 different instants will be identical. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6139)
- Fix: Make the ``compatible_packages`` feature to follow the ``--build=missing`` build policy. Packages that find a compatible binary will not fire a binary build with the "missing" build policy. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6134). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1491)
- Fix: Fix create command build policy help message to reflect correct behavior. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6131). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1483)
- Fix: Improved error message when sources can't be retrieved from remote (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6085)
- Fix: Raise a meaningful error when the `settings.yml` file is invalid (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6059)
- Fix: Move the warning about mixing 'os' and 'os_build' to just before the pre_export stage (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6021)
- Bugfix: Implement ``SystemPackageTool.installed(package_name)`` as described in the documentation. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6198)
- Bugfix: Remove carriage returns from build info `.json` file to avoid Artifactory errors in some cases when publishing the build info to the remote. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6180)
- Bugfix: Upload correct packages when specifying revisions and fail with incorrect ones. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6143)
- Bugfix: Fix different problems when using `conan download` with revisions. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6138)
- Bugfix: Make sure ``set_version()`` runs in the ``conanfile.py`` folder, not in the current folder, so relative paths are not broken if executing from a different location. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6130). Docs: [:page_with_curl:](https://github.com/conan-io/docs/pull/1490)
- Bugfix: Fix the help message for `conan export-pkg` command for the --options parameter. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6092)
- Bugfix: Use a context manager to change the folder during `build_package` to avoid propagating the directory change to other tasks. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6060)
- Bugfix: The `AutoToolsBuildEnvironment` build helper now uses the `win_bash` parameter of the constructor when calling to `configure()`. (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/6026)
- Bugfix: Conan's virtualenvironments restore the environment to the state it was before activating them (previously it was restored to the state it was when the `conan install` was run). (https://github.com/conan-io/conan/pull/5989)