This is a big release, with many important and core changes. Also with a huge number of community contributions, thanks very much!
**Important!**, see the "Breaking changes" at the end of the document.
- Feature: Major revamp of most conan commands, making command line arguments homogeneous. Much better development flow adapting to user layouts, with ``install-folder``, ``source-folder``, ``build-folder``, ``package-folder``.
- Feature: new ``deploy()`` method, useful for installing binaries from conan packages.
- Feature: Implemented some **concurrency** support for the conan local cache. Parallel ``conan install ``and ``conan create`` for different configurations should be possible.
- Feature: options now allow patterns in the command line: ``-o *:myoption=myvalue`` applies to all packages.
- Feature: new ``pc`` generator that generates files from dependencies for ``pkg-config``
- Feature: new ``Meson`` helper, similar to ``CMake`` for Meson build system. Works well with ``pc`` generator.
- Feature: Support for read-only cache with ``CONAN_READ_ONLY_CACHE`` environment variable
- Feature: new ``visual_studio_multi`` generator to load Debug/Release, 32/64 configs at once
- Feature: new ``tools.which`` helper to locate executables
- Feature: new ``conan --help`` layout
- Feature: allow to override compiler version in ``vcvars_command``
- Feature: ``conan user`` interactive (and not exposed) password input for empty ``-p`` argument
- Feature: Support for ``PacManTool`` for ``system_requirements()`` for ArchLinux
- Feature: Define VS toolset in ``CMake`` constructor and from environment variable CONAN_CMAKE_TOOLSET
- Feature: ``conan create`` now accepts ``werror`` argument
- Feature: ``AutoToolsBuildEnvironment`` can use ``CONAN_MAKE_PROGRAM`` env-var to define make program
- Feature: added xcode9 for apple-clang 9.0, clang 5 to default settings.yml
- Feature: deactivation of ``short_paths`` in Windows 10 with Py3.6 and long path support is automatic
- Feature: show unzip progress by percentage, not by file (do not clutters output)
- Feature: do not use ``sudo`` for system requirements if already running as root
- Feature: ``tools.download`` able to use headers/auth
- Feature: conan does not longer generate bytecode from recipes (no more .pyc, and more efficient)
- Feature: add parallel argument to ``build_sln_command`` for VS
- Feature: Show warning if vs150comntools is an invalid path
- Feature: ``tools.get()`` now has arguments for hash checking
- Fix: upload pattern now accepts ``Pkg/*``
- Fix: improved downloader, make more robust, better streaming
- Fix: ``tools.patch`` now support adding/removal of files
- Fix: The ``default`` profile is no longer taken as a base and merged with user profile. Use explicit ``include(default)`` instead.
- Fix: Properly manage x86 as cross building with autotools
- Fix: ``tools.unzip`` removed the unnecessary long-paths check in Windows
- Fix: ``package_info()`` is no longer executed at install for the consumer conanfile.py
- BugFix: source folder was not being correctly removed when recipe was updated
- BugFix: fixed ``CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG`` definition in ``cmake`` generator
- BugFix: ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME`` is now Darwin for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- BugFix: ``xcode`` generator fixed handling of compiler flags
- BugFix: pyinstaller hidden import that broke .deb installer
- BugFix: ``conan profile list`` when local files matched profile names
**Breaking changes**
This is an important release towards stabilizing conan and moving out of beta. Some breaking changes have been done, but mostly to command line arguments, so they should be easy to fix. Package recipes or existing packages shouldn't break.
Please **update**, it is very important to ease the transition of future stable releases. Do not hesitate to ask questions, or for help, if you need it. This is a possibly not complete list of things to take into account:
- The command ``conan install`` doesn't accept ``cwd`` anymore, to change the directory where the generator
files are written, use the ``--install-folder`` parameter.
- The command ``conan build`` now requires the path to the ``conanfile.py`` (optional before)
- The command ``conan package`` not longer re-package a package in the local cache, now it only operates in a user local folder. The recommended way to re-package a package is using ``conan build`` and then ``conan export-pkg``.
- Removed ``conan package_files`` in favor of a new command ``conan export-pkg``. It requires a local recipe with a ``package()`` method.
- The command ``conan source`` no longer operates in the local cache. now it only operates in a user local folder. If you used ``conan source`` with a reference to workaround the concurrency, now it natively supported, you can remove the command call and trust concurrent install processes.
- The command ``conan imports`` doesn't accept ``-d, --dest`` anymore, use ``--imports-folder`` parameter instead.
- If you specify a profile in a conan command, like conan create or conan install the base profile `~/.conan/profiles/default` won’t be applied.
Use explicit ``include`` to keep the old behavior.