Major changes
* Create documentation site
* Add help tab
* Spin off a new tab with variant calling metrics
* Add apply button to enable changing multiple parameters without reloading each time
* Remove RNA-seq samples
* Integrate the dN/dS plot over genes and domains
* Remove joint view of ENA + GISAID due to overlapping samples. Now either ENA or GISAID needs to be selected
Minor changes
* Add templates for bugs and feature requests
* Fix some labels and order some legends
* Amended issue with pagination over ENA API due to current limitation in the API
* Migrate CI environment to GitHub
* All tests now run on postgres, no more sqlite for testing
* Improve colors in plots
* Add some indices to the DB to improve performance
* Cache some calls to improve performance
* Domain coordinates are corrected in the data and the visualizations
* Fix frequency in top recurrent variants table