* ''cce702a'' Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/oscarmlage/django-cruds-adminlte
* ''621988e'' Merge pull request 49 from migue56/django2_0_48
* ''b958d88'' Checking lines
* ''f473a6f'' checking filter url when changes you from view to other view (checked)
* ''b7fc88f'' fixed filters paramters to grud.py
* ''56f2efc'' changes on filter.py to build pagination params
* ''fd1f9d7'' Changes filter.py get_cleaned_fields
* ''b0730be'' cleaning print() to filter.py
* ''9c86a80'' cleaning print() to filter.py
* ''cf1e4f7'' update filter.py
* ''1b4d2e9'' try/except ValueError over get_filter
* ''9f4cd8f'' Update demo to testing issues
* ''6587ef5'' Update demo to testing of issues django 2.0
* ''ec175b1'' Fixes 48: 'ForeignKey' object has no attribute 'rel'
* ''c5c3007'' Merge pull request 47 from migue56/django2_0
* ''ed61dfa'' Update urls.py
* ''d89d9d9'' Update models.py
* ''74c6050'' Update utils.py
* ''92dd062'' Update crud_tags.py
* ''5c59a38'' Update adminlte_helpers.py
* ''d28022a'' Test and settings of demo django2.0/1.11/1.10
* ''4f03c2c'' Test and settings of demo django2.0/1.11/1.10
* ''ce14461'' Test and settings of demo django2.0
* ''0c1b7bc'' Test and settings of demo django2.0
* ''f0ab4e8'' Deleted debug-toolbar to demo django 2.0
* ''f9ea2d6'' Cleaning debug-toolbar to demo django 2.0
* ''38482cb'' Changed demo to django 2.0
* ''5994072'' Change requirements.txt ajax version
* ''c09375f'' Add intergerfild to templates colums
* ''b35df35'' Attibute 'user.is_authenticated()' don't exist on django 2.0, change to 'user.is_authenticated'
* ''f760b44'' Attibute 'user.is_authenticated' don't exist on django 2.0
* ''295d7d1'' Changes of 'installation.rst' with django 2.0 librarys
* ''3fdf9d3'' fix 'register.assignment_tag' to django 2.0
* ''1cd0548'' Attribute 'register.assignment_tag' don't exist on django 2.0, changing that to register.tag
* ''ddf0f93'' Import of file utils.py 'from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse' don't exist on Django 2.0, that need to be changig to 'from django.urls import reverse
* ''bb825b0'' Import of file templatetags/crud_tags.py 'from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse' don't exist on Django 2.0, that need to be changig to 'from django.urls import reverse'.
* ''04e8d17'' Removing print
* ''6a223af'' Merge pull request 42 from justelex/patch-2
* ''f5ad3bc'' Merge pull request 41 from justelex/patch-1
* ''f443982'' Python 2 -> Python 3
* ''2f5cfd8'' Fixed: Wrong packagename in documtation