* ``9ce4da4`` - Minor changes in setup.py
* ``6fd30e3`` - Updated README.rst
* ``e89bda0`` - Massive refactor, changed name django-cruds to
django-cruds-adminlte, the app now is cruds_adminlte (instead
of cruds). Deleted orphan references to django-compressor.
Fixed setup.py references to HISTORY.rst. Fixes 5
* ``53c2c49`` - Updated TODO.rst
* ``abbe074`` - Fixes 1 (problem with old db values)
* ``56ca599`` - Added CONTRIBUTING.rst, glad if someone joins to the project
* ``1ac4467`` - Fixed documentation typo
* ``6faf248`` - Added CKEditorWidget
* ``a936206`` - Documentation updated
* ``bb21eeb`` - Added datetimepicker, Fixed timepicker
* ``aa01a09`` - Adding DatePickerWidget, TimePickerWidget and ColorPickerWidget
to custom forms
* ``1314604`` - Impproved documentation a bit
* ``d4075fd`` - Impproved documentation a bit
* ``d641a8f`` - Added some screenshots to the documentation
* ``b2cb152`` - Adding basic documentation