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What's Changed
* Robons abstract cube by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/9
* Unit test info.json population of multiple-measure-dimension classes (and units) from info.json67 by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/85
* Moving `CubeMetadata.from_dict` to info.json loader. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/91
* devcontainer setup by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/95
* Issue 64 - Implementing tests for the QbWriter class. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/90
* Issue83 - Add a validation error when user uses an ExistingDimension without providing a column.output_uri_template. by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/92
* Issue 70 - Serialising Code lists to CSV-W by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/97
* Bulk reformatting code with the `black` formatter. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/102
* pytest migration by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/103
* Issue 23 - Adding DCAT metadata to the qb:DataSet output by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/104
* aboutUrl function by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/98
* Issue62 Test cube validation by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/111
* Issue 69 - Adding local Foreign Key Constraints to CSV-W by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/113
* Issue 110 - Adding Auto-Generated API Documentation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/115
* Issue 57 - Introducing DataClasses and Pydantic (Static Type) Validation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/99
* Issue86 - Test `NewQbDimension.from_data by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/116
* Issue 75 - Testing RDF Serialisation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/120
* Charles Rendle/issue87 by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/121
* Issue 82 - Making validation errors more type-specific & adding some unit tests by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/122
* Issue 88 - Adding a unit test for info.json loading of single measure observation values by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/123
* Issue 29 - Add CSV-W compliant arbitrary JSON-LD to CSV-W output by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/124
* Issue 81 - Implementing relevant `validate_data` methods + adding some customised pydantic validation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/127
* canwaf/issue80 by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/129
* Issue79 Serialise Unit and Attribute Values alongside qb:DSD in CSV-W by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/128
* Issue 38 - Ensuring single + multi-measure cubes pass QB/SKOS SPARQL test constraints. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/132
* Issue 71 - Allow Relating units together with Multipliers by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/146
* Issue-65 Implement QB Writer Behaviour Tests by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/156
* Issue 108 - Create CLI for csvqb by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/157
* Issue 125 - Replacing labels with uri-safe-values where possible by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/155
* Issue 158 - info.json V1.1 by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/164
* Issue-68 Behaviour test info.json config.loader by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/165
* Robons bug fix by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/168
* Issue 28 - Allowing CatalogMetadata Serialisation/Deserialisation to/from JSON by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/169
* Issue 28 - Fixing serialisation/deserialisation of date types as well as datetime types by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/170
* Issue 28 - Relaxing package dependency restrictions by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/171
* Issue 28 - Upgrading pandas in csvqb to be compatible with currently used gss-utils version. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/172
* Issue 28 - Upgrading pandas for compatibility with gss-utils by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/173
* Ensuring that the devtools package actually includes the relevant package files by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/176
* Issue 101 - Deleting all of the csvqb cli functionality by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/178
* Convert csvwlib from pipenv to poetry by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/189
* implement `qb:order` by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/190
* Categorical integers bug discovered and squished by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/196
* Issue 126 - Developer Documentation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/193
* Issue 109 - Setting up external user documentation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/203
* Update to toml to now surface scripts by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/204
* Moving `sharedmodels` into dev dependencies to avoid causing pip installation problems by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/207
* Canwaf/issue208 by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/210
* Canwaf/issue130 by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/209
* Canwaf/issue13 by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/219
* Issue 151 - Adding CLI functionality to pull a CSV-W by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/222
* Issue 151 - Fixing bug pulling CSV-W with complex relative directory structure by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/223
* Issue 151 - Support Composite Code Lists (for date-time codelist generation) by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/227
* Create increment-versions.yaml by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/224
* Issue 151 - Fixing code-list Concept URI bug by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/232
* Release_pydantic_relocation by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/241
* Bump pywin32 from 227 to 301 in /csvcubed by dependabot in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/243
* Issue 105 - PMDise Catalog Metadata by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/248
* Issue 105 - Adding CLI Command to find CSV-W files matching SPARQL ASK query by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/252
* Upgrading rdflib to 6.0.x by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/253
* Require case-insensitivity across the process by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/249
* Muazzam chaud/issue213 by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/251
* Muazzam chaud/issue211 by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/263
* Fixing bug where `pmdcat` datatype wasn't added to the `qb:DataSet` or `skos:ConceptScheme` which had been added to a catalog. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/265
* Issue 264 - Adding the `qb:Observation` type and `qb:dataSet` types onto observations by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/267
* Muazzam chaud/issue211part2 by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/266
* Fixing a bug where creating `NewQbAttributeValue`s from a data frame fails to validate when the values are not strings. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/270
* Issue 271 - Allow missing values when an `sdmxa:obsStatus` Attribute explains why it's missing. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/272
* Muazzam chaud/issue202 Set up static docs by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/277
* Issue 269 - Fixing bug validating attribute literals. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/283
* Upgrading pydantic to v1.9.0 - this version supports python 3.10 by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/284
* Issue 187 - Adding documentation on using Cube/QB Classes. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/282
* Issue 254 - Adding documentation for external users to help understand and fix errors. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/288
* Muazzam chaud/issue278 setup GitHub repo to host static docs by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/291
* MuazzamChaud/issue268 Add Validation Error where Existing Measure Dimension is Missing Value URI Template by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/304
* Draft qbconfig.jsonc file by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/305
* Issue 195 - Testing code against multiple python versions by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/302
* Issue 287 - Altering how URIs defined in CSV-Ws. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/290
* MuazzamChaud/issue 256 : purl short urls for each validation error by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/308

New Contributors
* santhosh-thangavel made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/85
* canwaf made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/95
* CharlesRendle made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/98
* MuazzamChaud made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/224
* dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/243

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/commits/v0.1.0-rc4


What's Changed
* Robons abstract cube by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/9
* Unit test info.json population of multiple-measure-dimension classes (and units) from info.json67 by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/85
* Moving `CubeMetadata.from_dict` to info.json loader. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/91
* devcontainer setup by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/95
* Issue 64 - Implementing tests for the QbWriter class. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/90
* Issue83 - Add a validation error when user uses an ExistingDimension without providing a column.output_uri_template. by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/92
* Issue 70 - Serialising Code lists to CSV-W by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/97
* Bulk reformatting code with the `black` formatter. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/102
* pytest migration by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/103
* Issue 23 - Adding DCAT metadata to the qb:DataSet output by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/104
* aboutUrl function by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/98
* Issue62 Test cube validation by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/111
* Issue 69 - Adding local Foreign Key Constraints to CSV-W by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/113
* Issue 110 - Adding Auto-Generated API Documentation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/115
* Issue 57 - Introducing DataClasses and Pydantic (Static Type) Validation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/99
* Issue86 - Test `NewQbDimension.from_data by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/116
* Issue 75 - Testing RDF Serialisation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/120
* Charles Rendle/issue87 by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/121
* Issue 82 - Making validation errors more type-specific & adding some unit tests by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/122
* Issue 88 - Adding a unit test for info.json loading of single measure observation values by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/123
* Issue 29 - Add CSV-W compliant arbitrary JSON-LD to CSV-W output by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/124
* Issue 81 - Implementing relevant `validate_data` methods + adding some customised pydantic validation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/127
* canwaf/issue80 by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/129
* Issue79 Serialise Unit and Attribute Values alongside qb:DSD in CSV-W by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/128
* Issue 38 - Ensuring single + multi-measure cubes pass QB/SKOS SPARQL test constraints. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/132
* Issue 71 - Allow Relating units together with Multipliers by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/146
* Issue-65 Implement QB Writer Behaviour Tests by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/156
* Issue 108 - Create CLI for csvqb by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/157
* Issue 125 - Replacing labels with uri-safe-values where possible by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/155
* Issue 158 - info.json V1.1 by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/164
* Issue-68 Behaviour test info.json config.loader by santhosh-thangavel in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/165
* Robons bug fix by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/168
* Issue 28 - Allowing CatalogMetadata Serialisation/Deserialisation to/from JSON by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/169
* Issue 28 - Fixing serialisation/deserialisation of date types as well as datetime types by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/170
* Issue 28 - Relaxing package dependency restrictions by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/171
* Issue 28 - Upgrading pandas in csvqb to be compatible with currently used gss-utils version. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/172
* Issue 28 - Upgrading pandas for compatibility with gss-utils by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/173
* Ensuring that the devtools package actually includes the relevant package files by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/176
* Issue 101 - Deleting all of the csvqb cli functionality by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/178
* Convert csvwlib from pipenv to poetry by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/189
* implement `qb:order` by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/190
* Categorical integers bug discovered and squished by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/196
* Issue 126 - Developer Documentation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/193
* Issue 109 - Setting up external user documentation by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/203
* Update to toml to now surface scripts by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/204
* Moving `sharedmodels` into dev dependencies to avoid causing pip installation problems by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/207
* Canwaf/issue208 by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/210
* Canwaf/issue130 by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/209
* Canwaf/issue13 by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/219
* Issue 151 - Adding CLI functionality to pull a CSV-W by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/222
* Issue 151 - Fixing bug pulling CSV-W with complex relative directory structure by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/223
* Issue 151 - Support Composite Code Lists (for date-time codelist generation) by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/227
* Create increment-versions.yaml by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/224
* Issue 151 - Fixing code-list Concept URI bug by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/232
* Release_pydantic_relocation by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/241
* Bump pywin32 from 227 to 301 in /csvcubed by dependabot in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/243
* Issue 105 - PMDise Catalog Metadata by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/248
* Issue 105 - Adding CLI Command to find CSV-W files matching SPARQL ASK query by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/252
* Upgrading rdflib to 6.0.x by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/253
* Require case-insensitivity across the process by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/249
* Muazzam chaud/issue213 by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/251
* Muazzam chaud/issue211 by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/263
* Fixing bug where `pmdcat` datatype wasn't added to the `qb:DataSet` or `skos:ConceptScheme` which had been added to a catalog. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/265
* Issue 264 - Adding the `qb:Observation` type and `qb:dataSet` types onto observations by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/267
* Muazzam chaud/issue211part2 by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/266
* Fixing a bug where creating `NewQbAttributeValue`s from a data frame fails to validate when the values are not strings. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/270
* Issue 271 - Allow missing values when an `sdmxa:obsStatus` Attribute explains why it's missing. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/272
* Muazzam chaud/issue202 Set up static docs by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/277
* Issue 269 - Fixing bug validating attribute literals. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/283
* Upgrading pydantic to v1.9.0 - this version supports python 3.10 by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/284
* Issue 187 - Adding documentation on using Cube/QB Classes. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/282
* Issue 254 - Adding documentation for external users to help understand and fix errors. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/288
* Muazzam chaud/issue278 setup GitHub repo to host static docs by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/291
* MuazzamChaud/issue268 Add Validation Error where Existing Measure Dimension is Missing Value URI Template by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/304
* Draft qbconfig.jsonc file by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/305
* Issue 195 - Testing code against multiple python versions by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/302
* Issue 287 - Altering how URIs defined in CSV-Ws. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/290
* MuazzamChaud/issue 256 : purl short urls for each validation error by MuazzamChaud in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/308

New Contributors
* santhosh-thangavel made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/85
* canwaf made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/95
* CharlesRendle made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/98
* MuazzamChaud made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/224
* dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/243

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/commits/v0.1.0-rc3


This release now uses a fork of pydantic (on pypi as csvcubed-pydantic) and should now be able to be uploaded and downloaded from pypi.

New Contributors
* santhosh-thangavel made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/85
* canwaf made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/95
* CharlesRendle made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/98
* MuazzamChaud made their first contribution in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/224

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/commits/v0.1.0-rc2


csvcubed is a series of packages for the creation of csvw from csv files and associated json for transformation into linked data. This is the first of many release candidates, though it is working internally. Please note that the `csvcubed-models` module is required for the `csvcubed` module to work.

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