Minor release of csvcubed which adds further testing to the new inspect API inspector classes: `DataCubeState`, `CodeListInspector` and `CsvWState`. With emphasis on `CodeListInspector` which has had cached property functions for relevant SPARQL queries and API functions created. Bug fixes addressing: JSON schema error message spam in warning logs upon running the build command and observation value integer type representation.
What's Changed
* 651 Adding missing unit tests to Inspector classes by CharlesRendle in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/710
* 695 Move Code List SPARQL Queries to CodeListInspector by nimshi89 in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/725
* added `code_list: false` by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/732
* 715 - Filtering column JSON schema error messages displayed based on `type`. by robons in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/733
* Replace integer representation from constants.py from int to Int and uint to UInt by canwaf in https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/pull/736
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvcubed/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4