* The ``alias``, ``restore``, ``rollover``, and ``shrink`` actions have been
added to ``curator_cli``, along with a revamped method to manage/add
actions in the future.
* Updated ``certifi`` dependency to ``2018.4.16``
* Added ``six`` dependency
* Permit the use of versions 6.1 and greater of the ``elasticsearch`` python
module. There are issues with SSL contexts in the 6.0 release that prevent
Curator from being able to use this version. Currently the requirement
version string is ``elasticsearch>=5.5.2,!=6.0.0,<7.0.0``
* Start of pylint cleanup, and use of `six` `string_types`. (untergeek)
**Bug Fixes**
* `unit_count_pattern` setting can cause indices to mistakenly be included
in an index filter. Fixed in 1206 (soenkeliebau)
* Fix rollover _check_max_size() call. Reported in 1202 by diranged
* Update tested versions of Elasticsearch. (untergeek).
* Update setup.cfg to install dependencies during source install. (untergeek)
* Fix reference to unset variable name in log output at
It should be `idx` instead of `index`. (untergeek).
* Alias action should raise `NoIndices` exception if `warn_if_no_indices` is
`True`, and no `add` or `remove` sub-actions are found, rather than raising
an `ActionError`. Reported in 1209 (untergeek).
* Clarify inclusive filtering for allocated filter. Fixed in 1203 (geekpete)
* Fix Kibana filter description. 1199 (quartett-opa)
* Add missing documentation about the ``new_name`` option for rollover.
Reported in 1197 (untergeek)